ー🚍Day 237

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April 13, 2022
9:53 pm

Dear Reader,

Having an allergy sucks, the clogged nose, the itchy throat, everything sucks

It wasn't that bad yesterday but of course it just had to get worse, I almost used up all of the tissue, though we have extras

I had to make a small paper box to put the used tissues in cause I didn't want to make a mess beside my bed

Mom made me her usual home-made lemon-ginger tea but somehow, it didn't help as much as it did before

This allergy acted up because my parents just had to re-arrange the room causing dust to fly up and mix with the air

I hate this feeling, I'm not even motivated to use the laptop for our project or to update my books and drafts

Speaking of books, I haven't updated the books for this week, I'll just update it next week since I don't feel like it this week

Also, today is the start of our Holy Week break, ending on Sunday which means the classes will continue again on Monday

I have yet to finish my other assignments but with this allergy acting up and not leaving me, it might take me until next week to do it

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
9:58 pm

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