Terrible Twos

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DISCLAIMER: I only own the characters pictured above and the plot. Everything Else belongs to Cressida Cowell, Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders, Bonnie Arnold, Will Davis, Steve Hickner, Tom Owens, Kate Spencer, Adam F. Goldberg, John Puglisi, Bruce Seifert, Peter Steinfield, Aimée Marsh, Johane Matte, Ken Morrissey, David Moses Pimentel, Jeff Snow, Elaine abogan, John Sanford, Chad Hammes, Art Brown, Douglas Sloan, Linda Teverbaugh, Mike Teverbaugh, Brad Lewis, Jonathan Groff, Jon Pollack, Tim Johnson, and every other person who was included in creating the franchise.


(The Dragon Riders are out in the forest of Berk practicing flying)

Hiccup : Follow me! Low-level evasive maneuvers! Come on, bud!

"What are you doing lads?" Gobber asked tilting his head

"Training Exercises" Hiccup said vaguely 

Hiccup (v.o.): When you're riding a dragon, communication is key. You almost have to read each other's minds. Or else....

"Or else you end up like Snoutlout" sniggered Tuffnut


 (Hookfang  intentionally flies of course through a bunch of tree branches)

Snotlout: Hey! What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill me?! We gotta go back! I think you missed a branch! Got it!

The teens start cracking up. 

"Nah, I think Hookfang didn't miss a branch" 

"And If he did he didn't miss it the second time" Cackled Ruffnut

Hiccup (v.o.): And you have to have an open mind, because sometimes, your dragon knows better than you.

Berk scoffed

Yeah right

Noell: Stormfly , up! 

(Stormfly disobeys Noell's command to fly between trees, because she senses a fallen tree she throws Noell up and flys under. Noell lads on Stormfly's back)

Noell: You were right, Stormfly. It was down. I almost died.

Snotlout: Almost died? I would've died!

"But you lived, Yay us"

(Takes a branch out of his nose)

Noell: That's a good look for you

(Snoutlout puts the branch back in his nose and smiles at Noell)

"That's taking dress to impress to a whole new level" Ernalynn stated causing everyone to jump. The three Haddock kids were so quiet everyone forgot they were here.

"What?!" Snotlout asked "She said she liked it!" He said defensively 

"That's called Sarcasm!" Aina deadpanned

Snotlout's face fell and he turned away.

Hiccup: Has anyone seen Fishlegs ?

Ruffnut: I saw him yesterday. Does that count?

(Hiccup groans and flys off in search of him. Hiccup finds Fishlegs and Meatlug caught in the trees)

Hiccup: Oh, there you are, Fishlegs. Are you okay?

Fishlegs: I'm fine. Just hanging out. It's not like I crashed or anything. Okay, I crashed. There, I said it.

"Everyone crashes eventually. I crashed multiple times learning to fly Toothless" Hiccup said patting Fishlegs on the shoulder. 

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