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DISCLAIMER: I only own the characters pictured above and the plot. Everything Else belongs to Cressida Cowell, Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders, Bonnie Arnold, Will Davis, Steve Hickner, Tom Owens, Kate Spencer, Adam F. Goldberg, John Puglisi, Bruce Seifert, Peter Steinfield, Aimée Marsh, Johane Matte, Ken Morrissey, David Moses Pimentel, Jeff Snow, Elaine abogan, John Sanford, Chad Hammes, Art Brown, Douglas Sloan, Linda Teverbaugh, Mike Teverbaugh, Brad Lewis, Jonathan Groff, Jon Pollack, Tim Johnson, and every other person who was included in creating the franchise.



[It's mid-morning in Dragon Isles and we pan in around the Kill Ring. Festive banners are strung up and vikings swarm around in preparing for the Thawfest games. Some work while others chat. A pair of vikings arm-wrestle over a barrel just before the entrance to the Ring. The metal, chain cage that covers the Kill Ring is cranked upward]

HICCUP (V.O.):Every year on Dragon Isles we come together to test our strength, endurance...

[Inside the Kill Ring, Noell does up-side-down pushups on an elevated log while Stormfly stands to the side watching]

HICCUP (V.O.): and courage...

[Ruffnut and Tuffnut are balancing on planks of wood lain over sideways barrels. Bucket observes them]

HICCUP (V.O) the annual Thawfest games. A Event we used to do in Berk that we decided to continue in our new village. 

"You stole out games!" A Viking from Berk shouted 

"So what if They did. Sharing is caring and I doubt they do it the same as you so quiet!" Aina snapped 

[Tuffnut loses his balance and falls. He lands onto Ruffnut's board and goes flying in the air while his barrel knocks Bucket flat on his back. Ruffnut lands on one end of her plank, which sends Tuffnut into the air next. Elsewhere, Fishlegs chucks an axe forward with intensity. It strikes a target painted on a stack of barrels just in front of Mulch's face. Mulch leans back in shock. He looks at Fishlegs, who turns out to be standing a few feet in front of the target, immensely pleased with himself]

HICCUP (V.O.): For some of us it's not such a great time of the year.

[Somewhere in Dragon Isles forest, Hiccup struggles to lift a small pine tree out of the ground as Schmidt looks on]

SCHMIDT: Come on, Hiccup! Pull! Put your back into it!

[Hiccup spins around and attempts to take out the tree with his back to it]

SCHMIDT:Put your legs into it! Put your entire--YA!

[Hiccup loses his grip on the tree and it springs back into Schmidt's face. Hiccup gasps and winces. Schmidt brushes the tree out of his face]

SCHMIDT:  Hey...

"Huh, I remember when that was me" Gobber says laughing. "It's a lot funnier when you not being hit with it" 

"Yeah, sorry about that" Hiccup apologizes to them both. 

[Laughter draws his attention offscreen. Snotlout is tugging at a much larger tree than Hiccup was with his father shouting encouragement]

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