Day 2, Agreement, Muggy

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There was something about living in a place that consisted mostly of swamps and muggy patches of earth, that one never quite got used to. Not that she complained really, she preferred the dark forests and swamps over the sizzling heat of the desert in any case. However, now, while stomping in the deep, cold patches of not-quite-earth, she dreamed of the heat on her skin. She came from the desert, and in all honesty, she couldn't say that her past self would have preferred these parts of the kingdom.

She managed to climb up onto a mushroom that looked sturdy enough. With a sigh, she settled down, glancing over the swamp in front of her. To find the glowing mushroom that she needed for her potion seemed as easy as finding a golden beetle. She unfolded the map that she kept in her bag, secured with a thick piece of grass. The mushroom was supposed to be in this swamp, but she realized with a sour clarity that it only glowed in the dark of the night. She wished she had known this before settling the agreement with that shady trader. It was dangerous enough during the day, but during the night? Downright suicidal.

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