Day 13, Restoration, Junior

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"See here Junior! This is true manhood!" his father announced proudly, looking just as stupid as Manfred in his bucket hat and too-big swimming vest. Manfred just rolled his eyes, trying to look interested as his father threaded the hook of the fishing rod. His father only called him junior in these kinds of situations; when he tried to teach him a survival skill. It was a stupid nickname. The sun was low in the sky, painting the lake and forest in twilight. The boat rocked gently in the slight wind.. It had gone in for a restoration only two weeks prior, and now it was painted in a deep green colour that Manfred's father had told him was the original colour of the boat. Not the minty colour Manfred was used to. He reluctantly grabbed the fishing rod from his father, watching the bait go into the water with a slight 'plop'.

While Manfred couldn't say he enjoyed fishing he did enjoy the serene quality time he got with his father at times like this. He really liked the relaxed expression his father wore while looking at the gupping float.

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