Day 5, Personality, Fraction

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"Please! If you could feel even a fraction of the hurt you've caused, you wouldn't be standing all high and mighty as you are right now!" the frail woman cried. The man stared down at her. She was a creature of the forest. A creature of the light. She had long, white hair, her skin almost translucent, and her eyes almost glowing in the twilight. He considered her for a moment, not letting his posture falter for even a second. He knew she was right. He knew that he had inflicted immense pain on her people. But he simply couldn't care. He had been told all his life that he had a cold personality, not any warmth whatsoever. And when his mother died, that was proven true as he couldn't feel anything when staring at her lifeless body. It was a curse, and a blessing. But now he stood in front of this woman, this woman that was everything that he was not. Light, emotional, beautiful. He didn't know what to do, how to handle her. A heart-wrenching sob tore through her body. He found himself wondering how emotions as strong as this one felt. He almost envied her for it.

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