Day 9, Concentrate, Help

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"Please, can all of you shut up?" Sam snapped at them. "We need to concentrate on this!" The other kids looked at each other in question, but quietened down. Sam looked back at the book in her hands, it wasn't the same as the one Manfred had found while unpacking, but it was another, more ancient book that could be found in the very back of the town's library. Thus far they'd found nothing about Paratypes, but there were at least two dozen demons that this book had which Manfred's had not.

"Maybe we should ask Mr Atchinson if he knows anything," Izdihar piped up. She had a handful of notes in her hands, none of them being much help. Odd snorted.

"Neither he nor Ms Opal even wants us with them," he said. "What makes you think they would offer up their help?" They were all quiet for a minute. Then Manfred brightened up.

"What if we don't ask them," he proposed happily. "What if we make them help us?"

"And how would we do that exactly?" Erion questioned. Manfred grinned mischievously.

"By making the paratypes come to us! Then they would have to help us!" 

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