Day 20, Marine, Chimney

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There was really nothing that Landon liked about the sea. He didn't care for the sandy beaches, nor for the sea shells that cut up the soles of his feet, nor the marine animals that looked slimy and had the smell of rotting seaweed. The salty air did nothing but dry his skin and hair, and he hated the way there was no place to hide from the beating heat from the sun. He and the woman had only been on the beach, and on the ship, for three days, and he was already as red as the knight had been when Landon accidentally flirted with him after a party. The woman was sitting next to him by the railing, smelling more like a chimney than ever in the heat. The fishermen that walked around on the deck didn't smell much better, although they smelt more of fish than smoke. Landon felt disgusting. Never once in his life had he been this filthy. At least not for such a long period of time. When he was at the castle he bathed at least once everyday, and now his fringe stuck to his forehead in dark stripes, his chemise stuck to his back and chafed his armpits, and he had dark lines beneath his nails.

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