Day 17, Trunk, Quantity

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"I do not care that you don't want to go!" Caspian sneered, keeping a tight grip on Oliver's upper arm. The younger man whined, sniffling loudly.

"I'm not even that sick, Caspian! I do not need to go to the hospital!" Oliver whined back, his runny nose and flushed face did not exactly help his case though. Caspian ignored him, throwing him into the back seat of the car, and stuffing the two backpacks they had brought in the trunk. It was supposed to be a quiet, serene Christmas together, but of course Oliver just had to catch a nasty cold. Caspian seemed to think he was dying. Which was not the case. It was just the flu. Nothing more. Another rough coughing fit made Caspian glare at him while he jumped into the front seat. Oliver tried – and failed – to roll his eyes while coughing.

After the half hour it took for them to drive to the hospital, Oliver was maybe a bit more agreeable to the idea of seeing a doctor. Even though he kept moaning about the medicine he had at home. Caspian rolled his eyes. "Quantity has nothing on quality, babe."

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