Day 16, Collar, Constituency

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Manfred panted harshly. It felt like he had something stuck in his throat, digging and carving bloody lines on his larynx. Tears ran freely down his flushed cheeks. Or maybe it was sweat, he couldn't really tell. The collar was a constricting weight on his throat, burning him from the inside out each time he tried to make a sound. Harsh sobs were wrenched from his throat. He tried to breathe through his nose, instead of his mouth, but his crying had clogged it. After minutes, or maybe it had only been seconds, he passed out. Thankfully, in his unconscious state his body actually remembered how to breathe. It didn't help much when he woke up though. Once again he was gasping for air, panicking when he felt the weight around his neck. He didn't even realise when the door opened, nor when people started to close in on him. Suddenly, the weight around his neck was gone.

"The constituency has decided to use you for a higher purpose, boy," a cold voice announced. Manfred barely even recognised the sound. He was too busy gulping for the air that finally, finally, didn't tear his throat apart.

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