Day 3, Practice, Confrontation

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Landon yelped as the practice sword struck him in the side for the upteenth time. Well, it was more of a stick than a practice sword really, but it was all they had this far from civilization. The woman in front of him tutted in disappointment.

"You need to be quicker on your feet, boy!" she said, not unkindly. He gaped at her. He was quick. Problem is that she was quicker. She drew up in an offensive position, patiently waiting for him to pick up his own stick again. With a loud sigh, to really show her how much he did not like this practice, he picked it up. All had been good until that damned confrontation with the bandits a couple of days back. Apparently, being a prince did not give Landon any better genetics when it came to sword-fighting. Evidently, that was a skill that could be useful when being attacked by others wielding a sword. The woman had fought valiantly and managed to take down four bandits by herself. Landon had taken down one, and only because the poor bastard had tripped over some roots and fell right in front of the prince's feet, making it fairly easy to strike him unconscious with a large branch.

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