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I changed Morgan to Zayn because I can. I didn't change anything else.

"Daddy? Who was that?" Kennedy asked as Liam buckled her into her carseat, "Shh, just an old friend." Liam said, tears forming in her eyes, "Okay." Kennedy said, playing with her spelling words from Liam.

"Hey Liam." Zayn's Bradford accent rang through Liam's ears, Liam had just finished buckling Kennedy in, one of the only things Kennedy refused to do by herself.

"Hey Zayn, what's up?" Liam asked, biting back the tears that were about to fall. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked, seeing right through Liam's 'tough' act. "Crazy exes." Liam replied, this worried Zayn because something could happen to him or Kennedy. "I'm fine, just Kennedy's other parent now knows we're here." Liam said, Zayn looked at Liam, and tried to think what was the best way to get Liam to open up, even though him, himself didn't open up easily. "Is she going to be part of Kennedy's life?" Zayn asked after a second, he figured as long as Liam was talking to him, he was happy. "He." Liam corrected, Zayn looked to his car to see his son, who was trying to read. "Alright, he. Is he going to want a part of Kennedy's life?" Zayn asked, hoping that he wasn't overstepping any boundaries Liam has. "God, I hope not!" Liam exclaimed, this took Zayn by surprise.

"Really? What happened?" Zayn asked, Liam decided that is was best to get Kennedy out of the car, because the car has been hot over the past few weeks. "Kenny, can you please get out of the car, it's getting hot in there?" Liam asked Kennedy nicely. "M'kay Daddy, but what about my words?" Kennedy asked, picking up a plastic board that goes over your lap and you move letters to make words. "Sit on the step." Liam said, tapping on the step to his pick up truck, Kennedy nodded and sat on the step.

"We ended on a really bad note." Liam said, Zayn nodded, soon his son came up to him and tugged at Zayn's arm. "Daddy? Do we have to leave right now?" He question, Zayn looked at Liam. "How about we go to our homes, put away groceries then we may be able to meet up somewhere, like a park Micky." Zayn said, this made both children perk up. "Park?" Kennedy questioned, Micky also smiled. "Well, quick introduction, Liam this is my son Micky, Micky, this is Liam, and his daughter Kennedy. "Eww, girls have cuties." Micky screeched, Liam's older sister Ruth taught Kennedy what to do if a boy ever said that.

"I actually got checked, I have type three cuties." Kennedy said, this made Liam want to laugh, and then Micky shriveled his nose. "What?" He then questioned, Kennedy did a dramatic sigh. "It is a joke, you do not understand funnyness." Kennedy said, Micky's lower lip started to quiver. "Oh Micky, I was just kidding, you might be really funny, I just do not know yet." Kennedy said, getting up, placing her reading board in the car, and then went and hugged Micky.

"Okay, but you still have cuties." Micky said, breaking the hug and running away. "Oh boys, when will they learn that their willy is their cutie holder?" Kennedy asked rhetorically, Liam and Zayn both laughed at Kennedy's question. "I think I let her spend too much time with my family." Liam joked to Zayn, Zayn just laughed, "Okay, remind me never to visit your family." Zayn joked back, "Daddy, I'm ready." Kennedy's voice brought Liam and Zayn back out of their little bubble, "Okay, what park are we going to meet at?" Liam asked Zayn, Zayn shrugged, "Herbert?" He questioned, Liam nodded, "We'll see the two of you there soon." Liam said, hopping into his truck, turning on the ignition and driving three kilometers to his house.

"Okay. Kenny, if we put away the food we can get to the park where Zayn and Mickey are." Liam said, soon Kennedy walked to one of the bags and started putting away some of the groceries, Liam walked to another bag, and put away all of the other kind of food that is too high for Kennedy.

Kennedy bent over and brushed her long, curly, brown hair, out of her face, her puppy brown eyes scaned over the bags, getting out the strawberries out of one of the bags, and putting them in the sink and washed them out.

"Micky, can you please put away the milk?" Zayn called at his house, soon him and Micky cleaned up the entire groceries and they drove to the park.

Only to see Kennedy showing Liam how she can do a pull up using the monkey bars, "Okay Kenny, good job, now please get down, you are starting to scare me." Liam said, walking behind Kennedy, putting his hands around her ribs, she jumped into his arms.

"Hello Zayn." Liam said, carrying Kennedy by her feet to the two Malik's, "Micky, am I holding her correctly?" Liam asked Micky who was just laughing, "I think so." Micky giggled, Kennedy starting laughing as well, "No, you are not holding me right, Daddy." She screeched, laughing at Kennedy's face starting to turn red Liam threw her up in the air slightly, catching her bridle style, then putting her on her feet.

"Why are you wearing boy shoes? And clothes?" Micky asked, looking over Kennedy's outfit, "Because, I don't like pink, pink is gross, I like green, and blue, and black." Kennedy said, this confused Micky a lot, "Blue is a boy color and pink is a girl color." Micky said, Kennedy sighed at how daft Micky was being, "Someone named Hitler, he was a meanie, said that, so I don't believe that, you are allowed to like whatever you want. Race you to the roundabout." Kennedy said, then sprinting over to the roundabout.

"Push us Daddy." Both children shouted once they made there, Kennedy has long legs from her other father so she made it there faster than Micky, "No my Daddy should push, he has bigger muscles, so he can make it go faster." Kennedy pointed out, Micky pouted at this, "But, I like my Daddy pushing me." He said, giving Kennedy a sideways glance with is light brown eyes, "How about both push us, two is better than one." Kennedy said, Micky nodded.

Both Liam and Zayn came down the the roundabout, and started to push the two children.

"I had fun today." Liam said as him and Zayn were carrying the two kids up a hill to the parking lot, both Kennedy and Micky were asleep, and it was nearly eleven o'clock at night, the last three hours since the kids were asleep, Liam got blankets from his pick up truck, and covered up the kids.

"Me too, we may have to do this more often, you know." Zayn agreed, Liam smiled as is truck and Zayn's mini van can in sight.

"Night." they both said, and buckled their kids into their vehicles.

Hi, sorry for the long wait, I'm going to pretend that people are reading this.

I need to gloat for a second, I ran 1609 meters, 1 mile, in 7 minutes and 29 seconds, I got third place, and I'm super shocked.

So tell me what you think of the story so far.

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