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Liam and Zayn were in the front seats and Micky and Kennedy were both in the back, they were having a conversation, the thing that amazed Liam most about Kennedy is that she can change her mind set so she can act like an nine or ten year old, then a three year old, and then a five year old, this is something that Liam never understood, when he was younger, he could only talk to people near his age.

"No Micky, Sandy is the squirrel, Mrs. Puff is the boating teacher." Kennedy argued, "Where is Mrs. Puff's husband?" Micky replied, both of them thought hard on this, "Well, how should I know, I'm only three, you're nearly six." Kennedy retorted sassy like, Liam firmly believes that he lets Louis spend too much time with the impressible small child.

Soon Liam and Zayn stop ease dropping on the conversation and start their own, "So, who's Kennedy's other father, I have a pretty good idea, but I'm trying to make conversation?" Zayn asked, Liam's slight smile fades slightly, "Harry Styles." Liam answered, Zayn's eyes went wide slightly, "What happened if you mind me asking?" Zayn asked, Liam laughed slightly, "Well, its actually quite a funny story. He's a year older than me, along with a grade below, I was like Kennedy. It was on of those over cliche bully and victim love story, he'd make fun of me for being so young, that's actually how I became a boxer at age eight, needed to defend myself from pre- teens. So as secondary school came around, the teasing eased up a tiny bit, soon we started to date, I started to date him to prove to either him or me that I wasn't useless, soon it was because I did love him. Well, I got tested and apparently I could have kids, so Harry and I were careful, we were hardly half way though secondary school, so as time progressed, we became less and less careful."

"By then Harry was in his last year of school, already wanted by a few different managements, and I had decided out of over twenty gyms, all across Britain and Ireland, and a few other places, I decided on the place I go to now, Harry didn't like me moving away, he didn't want me to become a boxer, so one time, he didn't let himself use protection, and he knew I didn't take a pill or anything, so he said something along the lines of he's going to make me fat, ugly, before I start boxing so no gym will want me any more. He got me pregnant with Kennedy, told me either Kennedy and him, or the gym. I answered with something like 'I don't like ultimatums, if he was going to make me choose, I'll choose Kennedy and the gym, he knew that I could do it, and I did, lost all baby fat within a few weeks, and got abs in a few months, of course after the stitches were cleared." Liam told Zayn, Zayn had a smile on his face.

"What was your life like at home?" Zayn asked, Liam smiled, "I didn't get to ask you a question." Liam said, Zayn smirked, "I'm older." He replied.

"My family was always interesting, my parents both were more interested in what my sisters were doing, they didn't know I skipped two grades until graduation, as a sorry thing my dad welded monkey bars for Kennedy. My sister have a boyfriend, the other has a soon to be husband." Liam said, "What about you?" Liam asked.

"I have an older sister, and two younger ones, my older sister has become a music producer, I have to laugh though because she usually produces for Tobymac and Mandisa, they both write Catholic songs, my family is all Muslim." Zayn said, Liam smiled as well, "I enjoy both of their music, Forgiveness by Tobymac, and Overcomer by Mandisa are my favorite." Liam answered, Zayn smiled, "Really, my sister said that she couldn't care less about their music, just that they make a good profit for her." Zayn answered, Liam laughed along, "Well, it seems a lot of it is in places such as the States, but I know many people who live in London listen to music like that." Liam answered, "That's what playing right now." Liam continued, Zayn looked at the radio, "What's playing?" Zayn asked, Liam looked to his radio to focus more, he knows which CD is in, but he doesn't know the song.

"...Boys will be kings, girls will be queens... Kings and Queens by Audio Adrenalin." Liam said after a few some words.

"Its good." Zayn answered, "We're here." Liam called to the two children in the backseat.

"Mr. Payne, how nice of you to meet us. We were thinking to have Kennedy start with the higher class, grade three, and see if she can answer some practice questions, then grade two, and finally grade one, and if necessary kindergarten." The principal, Ms. Edwards, said, giving Zayn an extra wink.

"Okay, you ready Kennedy?" Liam asked, Liam and Kennedy took the lead, well it was more a small three year old was dragging Liam, a 'rock hard' boxer, as his fans have said.

Zayn was carrying Micky, while Ms. Edwards tried to talk to him, practically hanging off of him, Liam looked back to Zayn and Micky, 'Help me.' Zayn mouthed, Liam held back a laugh, "Babe, come 'ere, are you excited for our girl to be a possible grade three?" Liam asked, Zayn walked up with Micky in his hands, and Liam put his arm across Zayn's back, "Are you two married?" Ms. Edwards asked, you could tell it was a bit deflated.

"No, even though it is legal, we haven't been together long enough." Liam answered, Ms. Edwards smiled, "Okay, just needed to know for Kennedy's file." Ms. Edwards told the four, granted that two didn't understand what was happening.


HELLO I am on a sugar high, sorry if the last part makes no sense, its pretty much Perrie Edwards as the principal, or Head Master, sorry Ima stuipd 'Merican. HEHE

And is Micky from Zayn and Boy, or Zayn and Girl, if Zayn and Boy, who had him, like which get pregnant, and I have an idea for both.

Also can someone read through Thrown Together, its nearly at 1k reads, and I'm amazed that a horrible story like that is doing okay. Also read through my finished stories and tell me which ones I should fix up after this summer, also tell me which ones to pitch because its broken beyond (To infinity and Beyond) Repair.

Thanks to anyone who red through this and though 'What's the number to my local insane asylum?' I do not have the answer, 'I don't have the answers.' M'kay, I'm done.



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