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"Okay, so was the dream where I came into the room, you were in boxers, I started rimming you, then we did it." Zayn clarified, Liam nodded, "Okay, so any ideas, if it was a dream, we had the same one, or it was reality." Zayn said, Liam nodded again, reality hit him, hard.

Liam tore off to the stairs, Zayn trailing behind, Liam ran to his room, and started searching, "What are we looking for, "Any signs for a condom." Liam said, looking under his bed, in the trash, "Why?" Zayn asks, Liam sighs, "Because, it will tell us weather or not we did it, and it will tell us if I have the chance of being pregnant." Liam said, not even thinking, Zayn knew.

"I have another idea." Liam said, Liam runs to his closet, pulling out a pair of shows, "Huh?" Zayn asks, "Stay here with the kids, I need to run to my neighbour's house." Liam said, going down stairs, Liam gets to his neighbour's house, his neighbour was a twenty something year old who had nothing better to do than stare into Liam's bedroom window.

"James! Open up and I won't report you!" Liam yelled at the door, banging on the door repeatedly, "What do you want?" James asked, opening up with a sly smile.

"Do still have the video camera that is in the corner of your room?" Liam asks, Liam knowing this because James has told him many times about it, James smiles, "Course, why?" James questions, "Does it show my room?" Liam asks, James nods slightly, "Gimme the footage from about one until seven forty five." Liam demanded.

"Why?" James asks, Liam glared, "Does it really look like you are in the position to ask?" Liam questioned, James nodded, Liam then put James in a head lock, "How about now?" Liam then questions,"No." James answered, Liam smirked, "Now go get it." Liam said calmly, to calm.

Liam got him out of the head lock, James ran upstairs, and gave him a cd, "Thanks, I might not return this." Liam said, running back to his house.

Liam grabbed his laptop, pulling Zayn beside him, putting the cd in his laptop and zooming into his room.

There it showed, Liam in boxers, Zayn coming into the room, and the two fucking- possibly making love.

"Shit." Both said, Zayn and Liam stared at the computer for another good four minutes, "Oh god." Zayn said, Liam stared at the computer in amazement, "I might be pregnant." Liam said, seeing that Zayn didn't use anything, "Fuck!" Zayn exclaimed.

Liam was scared, "I can't raise two kids by myself." Liam mumbled, that sentence pulled Zayn out of his own problem.

Beside him was his new friend, professional boxer, possibly pregnant, father already, hardly making ends meet as it is, and maybe adding to that drama.

"Liam, I can promise you that if you are pregnant, you will not be raising the kid by yourself, I will help you, I'm not going to be that kind of father, Liam starred forward, an unreadable look on his face, "Zayn, if I'm pregnant- I box for a living if you punch someone's face, there's a possibility to break your fist, so everyone aims mostly for your stomach- shit, I screwed no matter what." Liam said, tears forming in his eyes, he buries his face in his hands, Zayn felt like shit, he knew Liam could get pregnant, and he knew that Liam would be freaking out at this, yet he wasn't smart enough to stop, or remember a condom.

"Shit, Liam, will you be my boyfriend, I've been wanting to tell you this sense we first met but I haven't had any idea as of how to tell you this." Zayn stuttered out, not having any other idea of how to say it. Liam smiled, "Of course." Liam answered, Zayn smiled, was this- relationship off to a bad start?- hell yes- are they moving too fast?- possibly- would Zayn trade this relationship for a normal one?- hell no.

"How long did it take for you to find out about being pregnant with Kennedy?" Zayn asked, "One week, sense male pregnancy is different, it doesn't take as long to find out." Liam said, Zayn lightly grabbed on to Liam's upper arm, "Well you have this week off, don't you?" Zayn asks, Liam nodded, Zayn smiled, "Do you have a back up job?" Zayn then asks, knowing many people like him, doing something like Liam does, most have a back up job, in case of injury or getting laid off, "What's your back up job?" Zayn question lightly, "Nurse. Well I have the degree, but the hospital always needs nurses, they enjoy having someone apply to be a nurse." Liam said, Zayn smiled, "Okay, this week, by the end we will know if you will have another baby, and then we go from there." Zayn said.

They didn't know there was a small child, standing at the top of the stairs, she didn't know what all they were walking about, but she knows her father might quit his job and she may be a big sister, she runs to her room.

"Micky, Micky, wake up." Kennedy says quietly, shaking Micky, "Lemme sleep, Kennedy." The tired six year old says, taking after his father, "No, Micky, it's important." Kennedy said, Micky sighs, "What is it?" Kennedy smiled, "Your Daddy asked my Daddy to be his boyfriend." Kennedy said excitedly, this caught Micky's attention, "Really?" He asks, eager to Lear if Kennedy is just messing with him, "Yeah." Kennedy said, laying her head down on Micky's chest, Micky smiled. (I've done that to my older brother, Jack, sense we were about that size, so not relationship, brother/sister)

"M'kay, we'll be fine Liam, just think that there's still the chance that everything will be normal still." Zayn tried to soothe, when a male is pregnant, the hormones- to make up for the lack of women parts- get released as soon as an hour later, Liam knows this, he doesn't know what he feels the way he does, he doesn't know weather it's hormones, or the stress of the situation.

Zayn understands this, so he's just there, trying to calm down his new boyfriend, who might be a hormonal mess for ten months, another thing with make pregnancy is hormones, cravings, stuff like that, happen for exactly nine months and three days, when Liam was pregnant, and she was born premature, for another three plus months, Liam still have cravings and hormones, the lack of sleep that came with a new baby didn't help.

Liam and Zayn both laid down on the bed, just laying there, neither talking, until Zayn broke the silence, "So, when where you able to get pregnant?" Zayn asks, "Got the surgery when I was ten, what about you?" Liam replied, Zayn shrugged, "Nine." He answered.

Doctors came up with a plan, they took the reproductive system of a women who died, or didn't want theirs, and made a trial for young boys, who had a high chance of getting with another guy, gave them they system, attaching to their bums, inside of it so they still only had one hole, but due to not many parents wanting their kids to have to have surgery, only seven people have it, one for each continent, was how it originated, no one from Antarctica, so that went to Britain, and no one in Africa wanted to have to admit to being gay, so it went to three people in Europe, Zayn, Liam, and Louis, chances of the three ever meeting was slim, but they did, and Harry has made it his mission to meet all seven people.

Also due to being boys, it hard to sit after the eight month mark, since the baby is right there, getting ready to be born.

"How about we just go to sleep?" Zayn suggests, Liam nods, changing, looking down to his stomach, there were the stretch marks from Kennedy, the eight pack he worked to get back after his first pregnancy.

Both men then pulled back the covers and fell asleep.

Ooooooooh, Lili might have another kid, what do we think?

Next chapter I'm planing to be what Kennedy and Micky's day at Harry's.

What do you guys think of this story, I have like no comments on the last few chapters, :(

What plot do you guys like better:

Liam likes Zayn, Zayn likes Niall, Niall likes Harry, Harry likes Louis, and Louis should like Liam, right? Nope no one likes Liam, Louis likes Niall as well, so all Liam needs to do is make Louis date a random person, so Harry is heart broken, and goes to Niall, and Zayn will be hurt, so Zayn will go to Liam. That would be easier if Liam could talk... or hear, but you know, another day- er- year at high school.


Liam blinked, where is he? He looks around, seeing his best mate Niall beside him, bound up, Liam looked down, he was tied to chair.

Three men came into the room, "You two can have him." A Bradford accent said, pointing to Niall, "I'll have him." The accent said again, the two men grabbed Niall's chair, carrying an unconscious Niall to another room, "Lets have fun." The accent said, looking at Liam.


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