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The gang of four soon made it back to Liam's house right around eleven thirty, "Well, I'm not going to be able to sleep so do the two of you want to stay for lunch?" Liam asks Zayn and Micky, mostly Zayn, Zayn shrugged, "Sure, what is there?" Zayn asked, Liam walked over to the fridge, "Uh... I really need to go shopping." Zayn heard Liam mumble causing him to laugh, "Liam, question for mine and the kids' safety; do you know how to cook?" Zayn asks, Liam sighs, "Actually yes, I just haven't had much time to go to the store." Liam answered, "We met in a grocery store... like three days ago. Wow, only three days." Zayn told Liam, Liam chuckled a tiny bit, "Yes, but before you came I had all of my friends over, Nick, Sydney, Josh, Niall, and Louis, they, especially Niall, are bottomless pits." Liam said, just then Kennedy walked in the room.

"Isn't that was Nana Karen called you?" She asked innocently, even though she knew what she did, adding a slight smirk in after her words, Zayn couldn't contain his laughter anymore, he just started laughing, and laughing, and didn't stop. That was until Micky came up with a brilliant idea, he grabbed Kennedy's arm and pulled her away.

"Our Daddies like each other." He said, usually he hated saying Daddy or Daddies, but he knew that Kennedy still called her dad, daddy, so he played along, Kennedy nodded, "Yeah, we need to help them." Kennedy said, Micky nodded, then whispered his plan into his friends ears, both thinking they were brother and sister.

Micky walked up to Zayn, who was still laughing, and lightly shoved him into Liam, who was looking at Zayn, eyes closed, laughing. Kennedy pushed Liam into Zayn's slightly falling body, until they touched, everything touched, including lips.

Kennedy and Micky both left as soon as they did their job, going back to they pillow fort they made in the living room, out of the dining room chairs, and Kennedy's bedding.

"Step one complete." Kennedy said, her and Micky they worked on hand shakes, it was there that Micky decided that even if their Daddies stop talking, he will always protect Kennedy, he didn't like Kennedy like that, but he knew that she will be a beautiful girl, and will need an older brother.

Zayn and Liam were both laughing, soon Zayn felt a pair of hands on his back, and Liam felt another pair of hands right around his bum, before either adult knew what was happening, they were both falling, not just physically, as soon as Zayn felt Liam's plump pink lips, he knew he loved Liam, Liam was a different story, he knew it was Kennedy who pushed him, yes he loved Zayn but he knew that when he met Zayn, scientist say that the body can know anywhere from nineteen milliseconds to four minutes if two people can love each other.

Zayn deepened the kiss slightly, they both heard two little pairs of feet running to the living room.

Zayn thought it was cute, Liam wanted to tell his daughter not to medal in other people's life, when one of the men pulled away, no one knows who pulled away first, Zayn could see in Liam's eyes that Liam wanted to go talk to Kennedy.

Zayn wanted to make sure that Kennedy would be okay so Zayn takes to Liam first, "I'm starving." Zayn started, Liam looked at Zayn slightly confused, "Micky and I usually eat by this time, so I was just wondering when will we eat?" Zayn continued, Liam turned to the fridge, not knowing exactly what to make, or what to say.

He got out milk and butter then turned on the stove, and started boiling water, getting two boxes of Mac and Cheese out of the cabinet.

Liam was busy making the food while Zayn goes off and talks to the young child and toddler, "Micky, Kennedy, come here please." Zayn said, walking into the living room, Kennedy had her head down, smiling, trying to act guilty, Zayn smiled, knowing what was going on, "Kennedy, your Daddy is upset because he doesn't like it when you push." Zayn said softly, Kennedy nodded, "I know, I'm sorry." She said, Zayn looked at her, "Who do you think you should apologize to?" Zayn asked the young girl, he knew that even though she is very smart, she still needs to have manners.

"Daddy?" Kennedy asked, slightly tugging on Liam's shirt, Liam looked down, "I'm sorry I pushed you into Zayn." She said, putting her head down, Liam smiled, picked her up, then kissed her forehead.

"I know you are, Baby. Just don't do it again, alright?" Liam asked, Kennedy nodded, burying her head into Liam's shoulder, Liam smiled, "Why don't you go play with Micky so Zayn and I can talk." Liam said, Kennedy smiled, Liam let her down, Kennedy went running into the living room, the house wasn't that big of house, the gym was a small loft which a wall was taken out, so walk up two steps your in the attic or gym as they call it, what ever it is called, it over looked the entire house, the living room, kitchen, dining room, the doors to Liam's room, Kennedy's room, the guess room, and a bathroom.

The only thing the loft didn't over look was the basement, but the basement was too dark and was unfinished, so Kennedy was scared that someone was living down there, so Liam just doesn't make Kennedy go down there.

The set up of the house was weird, all that was on the first floor was the kitchen, dining room, they were only separated by island which was a place to eat, the living room was separated from the kitchen and dining room by the door to the drive way and garage, if you walk into their house you'll be met my a three way turn, go left, you end up in the living room, go straight you'll be met with stairs going up, go right you'll see a pair of doors, looking like a closet, Liam didn't like that, so he turned that room into a play room for Kennedy.

Go into the living room you either sit on the furniture, go to the kitchen, or turn to go into a small hallway, turn right, depending on where you turn, you'll find stairs to the basement, or you are met with Kennedy's play room, there are two doors in and out, that is why Liam didn't want Kennedy sleeping in there, straight you find a bathroom, left is the forbidden room, as Kennedy has always known it to be.

In that room was a recording studio, it use to be a room, so there is a closet, it was Harry's, Liam just doesn't know what to do with most of the stuff in that room, he's been looking online, especially if him and Zayn become serious, they will need extra space.

If you go up the stairs to the upstairs if you turn right as soon as you get up the stairs, Kennedy's room is there, go straight and there is the bathroom, go left and straight you'll find the guess room, go even farther left you'll see the stairs leading to the gym, you can see in the gym from the landing, go left and you end up in Liam's room, there is another bathroom in his room.

Okay, so maybe this is a big house, but its not like Liam wastes any of this.

"Hello?" Liam hears Zayn answer the phone, "Uh, no I am not her father, "I'll get him. Liam, its for you." Zayn called, Liam still had a land line so if Liam hires a babysitter that doesn't have a phone they can still call him if needed.

"Hello?" Liam questions, "What do you mean, I just finished!" Liam yelled, "No, I have people that can say Kennedy and I went to her school to figure out what grade she should be in." Liam said, deathly calm, he isn't much of a hot head, "Listen, I don't know who you are but can you kindly shut the fu-" Laim got cut off, "Asshole." Liam mumbled, "No, I do not want my daughter in college, I don't know if a three year old can handle that!" Liam yelled, getting more and more pissed as this guy talked, "Listen-" Liam got cut off again, "Me?... I'm in an online college." Liam said, just confused now.

"Don't you go calling me stupid, I skipped two grades in school and could have skipped more but my parents didn't want me to." Liam yelled, "No! I was old enough to know what was going on, a three year old, in a school ranging people anywhere from eighteen plus years, I don't think that is the place for a three year old." Liam yelled, "What do you mean I got bullied in school.... Yea, I did.... What the hell do you mean do I want that happening to her?" Liam sighed, "I guess since I was close enough in age to the other kids... Well I was three years younger, she's hardly three."

"Daddy, Daddy help." Kennedy's screams filled the air, Liam turned freaking out at the sight he saw "I need to go." Liam said hanging up.


=D :P :) :( XD how was it? Tell me by using one of these, =D great, :P stupid/silly, :) okay, :( bad, XD Hilarious, even thou it isn't suppose to be funny.

I know no one is reading this, so I'll just write cause I wanna.



I'm going to see Jurassic World in just over an hour, well, I'll post this tonight, but while I'm writing this is right before I go see a movie.

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