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"Your Honor, we find it in the best interest of Kennedy Payne to go live with the emergency person for a few weeks." The main jury member told everyone in the court, Harry's family started yelling, along with Liam friends, "Order in the court, order!" The judge shouted, slamming the gavel, soon the court was quite again, "Who is the person Kennedy is to go to in case of emergency?" The judge then asked, "I am." Niall said, standing up, Harry leaned over to his lawyer, soon the lawyer stood up.

"Your Honor, I just have been informed that Mr. Horan and Mr. Payne see each other on a daily basis. If Mr. Horan doesn't have a child care, Mr. Payne will see Kennedy, so this arrangement is obviously unfair for my client, Mr. Horan has shown resentment in the video, so Mr. Styles couldn't see his daughter." Mr. Box told everyone.

"Whom do you suggest the young girl goes to?" The judge asked, Harry whispered, "Mr. Styles boyfriend-" Niall objected, "Your Honor, you said it yourself, young girl, so shouldn't she go to someone she knows, I also know for a fact that she gets night terrors, recalling a tall man, skinny, green eyes, and brown curly hair. Even if she can't go to me, have her go to someone she knows, sending a three year old to a stranger, would just be traumatizing for someone that young." Niall told the judge said, Harry smirked, Niall thought he had an ace up his sleeve, but he doesn't, Harry does, this ace will ruin Liam's entire life.

"How about Kennedy goes to my ex boyfriend then, I know that him and Liam have been talking, and he has a son so he's good with kids." Harry said, "Who is he?" The judge asked, "Zayn Malik, he's sitting right there." Harry said, pointing to where Zayn is sitting, "Would this be okay with you?" The judge asked Zayn, "Your Honor, I do not-" Zayn was cut off by Liam's pleading stares, "I think that I can take in Kennedy temporarily, but I firmly believe that she should stay with Mr. Payne." Zayn answered.

"Your Honor, I have a question for you." Mr. Box told the judge, "What is it?" The judge asked, starting to get annoyed with how long this case takes, "Do you believe that people do as they were taught when they were younger?" Mr. Box asked, the judge looked, more like glared, at Mr. Box, "Sure." She answered. Mr. Box smiled, or smirked, "Well, I have been told my client that Mr. Payne was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally in school, and by his parents, so what he leads down the same road that his parent did, and starts abusing Kennedy, her pain could be stopped if Mr. Styles gets full custody." Mr. Box said, Liam grabbed Niall brief case, where he stashed Kennedy's birth certificate, there was a mother signature slot, which was empty, and a father slot, which had Liam cursive handwriting, saying his name, he pointed at it.

"Your Honor, Harry Styles isn't anywhere on the birth certificate, which means that my client and Mr. Styles may have just been acquaintances when Kennedy was born, so actually this was a whole waste of time, if Mr. Styles isn't even biologically related to Kennedy, so full custody to Mr. Payne." Niall argued, Liam smiled, "But then that means that Mr. Payne let someone hurt his daughter, and by the looks of it many times." Mr. Box argued, Niall thought about it for a few minutes, "Uh, Mr. Styles should go to prison for assault and battery." Niall blurted, this caught everyone's attention, including the paparazzi that sneaked in here for both Liam and Harry, "What did you just say?" The judge asked, Niall shrunk a tiny bit.

"Well you see, Harry being the father or not, and I know this is civil not criminal court, but he beat my client, along with my client's daughter, all caught on camera." Niall said, trying not to sound meek, "How do we not know that its photoshopped, or videoshopped, it was made off of the lawyer's phone." Mr. Box asked, Niall sighed, "Your Honor, it is impossible to videoshop something like this, if you try, sound would be cut out, the video would be choppy, plus even all of that aside, you would need all the characters doing the thing they are doing on screen, so I doubt that there are pictures out there of Mr. Payne holding his groin, or that there are pictures of Mr. Styles kicking something larger that a football." Niall argued, "The jury would like to go back in and discus the placement of Kennedy Payne." The head jury man said, the judge lets them.

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