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Liam woke up at his usual time, six thirty, trying not to wake up Zayn, he knew that him and have an hour before Micky and Kennedy are expected to be at Harry's house.

Liam proceeded to walk down the stairs, cooking pancakes and almost started bacon, but then he remembered the Zayn had told him that he is a Muslim, so he doesn't eat pork, he doesn't know about Micky, but that's just what it is for Zayn, Liam just decides to get some fruit, he got strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, along with some orange and apple slices, just trying to please everyone even though he had no clue what foods Zayn and Micky liked to eat.

Ten or so minutes later Kennedy appeared in the kitchen, tears running down her face, Liam just finished the last pancake, Kennedy usually got up now, so Liam wasn't surprised to see Kennedy, what surprised him was the tears, "What's wrong?" Liam asked, turning off the burner, walking over to his daughter, picking her up, "I had another bad dream." She sniffled into Liam's shoulder, "Why didn't you come into my room, I'm sorry, Kens." Liam asked, still cradling the small child, "Because, Micky was sleeping on the outside of my bed, so I couldn't get up." Kennedy said, meaning, since her bed is up against a wall on the foot of the bed and on the left side, she was on the left side, and
Micky was on the right, enabling her unable to get out of bed unless Micky either got up or Kennedy crawled over Micky, waking him up, and if Kennedy yelled for Liam, everyone else in the house would be awake, or if she found a way to get to Liam's room, she might make Zayn wake up, and Zayn might be mad at her, so she waited in her room, waiting to hear Liam wake up, she found a way out by crawling to the foot of the bed, and in between Micky and the other wall.

"You wanna talk about your dream?" Liam asked his daughter sweetly, Kennedy nodded, Liam looked at her, waiting for her to continue, "That man, with the curly hair," Kennedy started, moving her hands around her head to show puffy hair, "and you were walking pushing a stroller, I couldn't see inside, I then saw a hood come over me, I reined that I was in the stroller, soon I saw home, you walked up the driveway, picked me up out of the stroller then handed Puffy Hair the stroller, you picked me up, I saw Puffy Hair folding up the stroller soon you opened the door.

"After you and I were inside Puffy Hair came inside and started yelling, soon I was ripped from your arms, you had a pudgy belly, I was thrown into a wall, next thing we were in a hospital room, the doctor said 'I am deeply sorry, sir, but her leaving the hospital two days ago, we took a scan of her brain, I would say a bunch of fancy doctor words, but there is no point, Kennedy has the part of her brain that learns, damaged.' you then started to cry.

"'It's not all bad.' The doctor then said, 'Instead of it making it harder to learn, she will learn considerably better than other kids, start with her now, she will amount to amazing things.' You got told, you smiled, picked me up, and we were home, you grabbed a book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, reading it to me, then pointed to a colour, and said the name of the colour, I like when you read to me." Kennedy told Liam, Liam smiled, "Why don't you go wake Micky up, nicely." Liam told Kennedy, Kennedy nodded, walking to the stairs to her room, Liam opened up the microwave, in there was the pancakes on a plate, Liam was finishing up cutting all fruit and putting them in a big bowl, making a fruit salad, when he revived a phone call.

Bastard (Harry) the contact named, he had that in case anyone needed Harry's number, but Liam did the first part to feel better about everything.

"What do you want?" Liam snapped, he just barely missed his index finger with the knife, "Aww, did someone put sand in you boxing gloves?" Harry asked teasingly, Liam internally groaned, "What the heck does that even mean? Like for real, that makes no sense." Liam asked, throwing another cut up strawberry in the bowl, "In you gloves, if there's sand in them, when you punched anything, the sand would most likely break skin after a few punches." Harry explained, Liam went cross eyed, making a not to check his boxing gloves here and at the gym, just in case, "Is there a reason- besides making a horrible joke- you called?" Liam asked.

"Yes, where are you?" Harry asked, Liam sighed, "Home, considering that its not even six forty five in the fricken morning." Liam answered, Liam glared out the window above his sink, "Exactly, six forty five, you said you'd drop Kennedy off at six thirty." Harry said, Liam rolled his eyes, not like Harry could see, "No, I agreed at seven thirty." Liam said, walking to his room, waking up Zayn, "Goodbye." Liam said, ending the call.

"Zayn, babe, time to get up." Liam told Zayn, lightly shaking Zayn, "I don't wanna get up, dad." Zayn mumbled, Liam smirked, "Its Daddy to you." He jokingly hissed into Zayn's ear, "Don't hurt me." Zayn soon cried, Liam's heart broke, did he cause this?

"Zayn." Liam said, shaking Zayn again, this time when Zayn dust get up Liam picked him up bridle style, and carried him down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

Liam finally sat Zayn down, who woke up as soon as Liam shook him the first time, soon he opened his eyes and say Kennedy and Micky eating pancakes and fruit salad, talking about, surprisingly, math, which was easier, addition or subtraction, what they thought of word problems, and what they thought of the word problems that gave you more information than needed, "Can you quiz me?" Micky asked, Kennedy nodded.

"Jezebel is running for class president for her grade three class, in her class of twenty four, six people are running for the presidency. In Mr. Rougher's class, there are three people, out of twenty four running. What is Jezebel's chance of election?" Kennedy asked, Micky sat in his chair, chewing the food then swallowing, tilting his head to the side, "It doesn't matter anything about Mr. Rougher's class, but if everyone voted once, and all the kids in Jezebel's class the ran, then Jezebel's votes would be four, but if the people running don't get a vote, then runner's would get three." Micky answered, Kennedy smiled.

"Sorry to say this, but my kid is rubbing off on yours." Liam quietly told Zayn, who just started laughing, "I hope that's good." Zayn said, making a fake scared face.

DING DONG! the doorbell rang, Liam walked over to the door, when he opened it, a guy dressed in a white stained shirt, baggy jeans, long, unkept brown hair, and a trucker's mesh baseball cap, was at the door, "Is there where you are selling a bunch of music equipment?" The guy asked Liam, Liam slightly nodded, "Do you still have the microphones?" The guy asked, Liam raised an eyebrow slightly, "Of course, the add was put up last night." Liam answered, the guy smiled- more like smirked- slightly, "May I see them?" he got asked, Liam looked at the guy weird, then nodded, going through Kennedy's playroom, hoping Zayn got the message to keep the kids in the kitchen.

"You have a son?" The man asked, Liam groaned internally, really wishing the guy would shut up, "Yeah." Liam answered, without thinking.

"Here it is-" Liam got cut off by Kennedy walking into the room, "Daddy, we have thirty minutes to make it to Meanie's house, just so you know." Kennedy informed Liam, Liam threw his head back, the nodded, "M'kay, go upstairs and get dressed, give Micky those clothes you got from Conor, and tell Zayn he is welcomed to something from my closet." Liam told Kennedy, Kennedy nodded then walked you.

"Zayn, Daddy said you can get something from his closet, and Micky, I have some hand- me- downs from Daddy's friend's son, come with me." Liam heard Kennedy boss.

Liam smiled, "Here are the music items, uh, yeah, I just realised that I'm still in my pyjama pants, so sorry." Liam told the guy, "Really no problem, looks like a busy morning." The man said, "Billy." The guy said, sticking his oil covered, dirty hand "Liam." Liam replied, shaking the hand, Liam was always taught to so that! "I need to go." Billy said, walking back through the play room and out the front door.

Liam went upstairs, and changed, "Did he buy the mikes?" Zayn asked, Liam shook his head,"No, he was slightly off." Liam said, picking up Kennedy and placing her in his truck, he looked over his shoulder, he saw another truck, a three seater, unkept, holding 'Billy', when 'Billy' noticed Liam staring, he turned on the ignition, and started to drive.

A mile away from Liam's house, he saw the same pick up, following them.
So, who's your favourite character, obviously Billy right?

Should I have more important characters? I don't know, we'll yeah, I have nothing else to say, on the way to Meanie/Puffy Hair/Harry's house, how will Kennedy react when she realises she's staying there all day without daddy?

Please vote and comment.

I have a question, is it just me, or when I vote for an entire story when it is already finished, I feel like I'm being a bother to the author, anyone else? No, just me? Alright.


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