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Liam laid in bed, listen to Zayn, Micky, and Kennedy having a great time in the living room, Kennedy was singing along to what ever was on the telly, Micky was talking to both Zayn and Kennedy, Kennedy seldom answered to Micky, while Zayn was trying to do something to make a group so both Micky and Kennedy can be entertained at the same time, because Zayn has never been good with kids, Micky and him only get along because Micky doesn't know anything else.

"Can we go outside?" Kennedy asks, pointing to the kitchen that has the back door in it, leading to the garage, which leads to the back yard, "Daddy sometimes lets me out there myself because its all fenced up, and he knows I cannot hurt myself." Kennedy told Zayn, Zayn stood up and looked out the kitchen window, so see a two story play structure, attached to a swing set with a normal swing, a gymnastics swing, and another normal swing. In a tree was a block of wood attached to rope, as a spin swing.

Kennedy and Micky both gave Zayn big puppy eyes, Zayn was use to Micky's puppy eyes, but Kennedy had Liam's big brown eyes, she pushed out her bottom lips slightly, started to quiver it, "Pretty please with four cherries on top." Kennedy pleaded, Zayn was actually immune to puppy eyes, he was going to let them outside anyway, "Why four cherries, why not three, or five?" Zayn asked, trying to see if Kennedy really had an answer.

"Because, I am three, and Daddy said when I am four I can go to gym practice with him." Kennedy answered, "And I can go to Kindergarten." Kennedy finished, "I thought you had to be five to go to Kindergarten." Zayn said, Kennedy sighed, "Teacher said that I was too smart to be in pre- school for another year, and that I needed to go to the next grade like the other kids, I'm glad because the kids in my class are not smart." Kennedy said, truth be told, Kennedy was already taking grade one classes, but stayed in the pre- school room while the counsler came in and taught her, she thought it happened to everyone.

"M'kay, lets go outside." Liam had a slight smile on his face, soon his phone started to ring, Liam had no idea who would be calling him, he looked at his phone, Kennedy's School the caller ID read, Liam threw his head back, "What happened this time?" Liam asked out loud, then answered the phone.

"Hello?" He asked, still slightly tired, "Hello, is Liam Payne, Kennedy Payne's father?" The secretary asked, Liam sighed, "This is him, may I ask why I need to be called?" He asked, not snappily or anything, just tiredly, "Yes, Kennedy isn't in school today." The secretary said, Liam did a fake smile, "I realize that, I sent an e-mail to the school saying that Kennedy wasn't coming to school today." Liam said, sitting up in bed, "Yes, I just need you to come in someday, either today or tomorrow because tomorrow is the last day of school, and I need you to see which Grade Two is right for Kennedy." The secretary said, this caught Liam off guard, "I thought she was going into Kindergarten." Liam answered, Liam's breathing soon got heavy, Grade two was full of seven and eight year olds, Kennedy just turned three not even six months ago.

"Yes, but while the Ms. Jess was writing down which teacher would be best for what teacher she wrote a note next to Kennedy's name saying 'I know that Kennedy is just three and a half but, she's shows more advancement in school, I believe that she is smart enough to advance anywhere from Grade one to Grade three, I know she will be small, but I think with the right support she'll be able to do it, I hope this doesn't step on any toes. Or else she'll be in my class another two years with how her birthday falls.'" The secretary told Liam, Liam took a second to absorb all of that information.

"Uh..." Liam trailed off, then the secretary started talking again, "You can also check out the Grade One and Grade Three classes, in all you'll be checking out two Grade One's, two Grade Two's, and two Grade Three's, please try to come in today with Kennedy, in about twenty minutes. Also remember that our school only goes up to Kindergarten so please go to Medowdale, Primary School, its the closes one to our school, the appointment is set op, but once you decide on a grade, you can tell the office and can get papers to go to any school." The secretary said, Liam didn't have time to say anything else before she hung up on Liam.

Liam got a black tee, and some jeens, quickly put them on, then faster than he's ever done anything, he ran into Kennedy's room, getting a blue striped shirt, and boy cargo shorts, the temperature was boiling for London, it was nearly 35 degrees.

"Zayn, thanks for coming, but Kennedy's school needs me to come decided with her which class she'd be best in for the fall, Grade One through Grade Three, looks like she's smarter that I thought." Liam said, Zayn thought of a reason to come along, not to be nosy, but to suggest ice cream, or the park or something.

"Uh, wanna go do something when you're done? I have the day off and we can do something like yesterday where the kids played at the park and we sat and watched?" Zayn asked, unsure of what to say, he wasn't the one to start the date, "Um, I think we'd love that, do you want to come with or should we call you?" Liam asked scared to say the first part, scared that he was going to make Zayn scared by suggesting him coming with them.

"Well I have Micky, but why do you think Micky and I should come with you?" Zayn asked, Liam looked over in the living room where Kennedy was just in her night time pull up, because Night Terrors makes her forget to get up to go number one.

"Because I hope you stay in our lives, so you should get a say in how out of place Kennedy is." Liam joked, "Be serious." Zayn said, Liam looked over to the living room to see Kennedy completely naked, putting on some boy short underwear, and then her shorts, soon her shirt, then she walked over to her father, with her brush and ponytail holders, along with some berets. She is half Harry's kid, and he already has long ringlets in her hair.

Liam started to do Kennedy's hair, "I think you should get a say in the matter because I like you and I know Kennedy likes you, so I think that you should get a say so that way, if you stick around, you know what kind of homework to help do." Liam answered, putting Kennedy's hair in a high pony, then using a beret to pin back the bangs.

"There we go." Liam said, Zayn looked at Liam and Kennedy, who was now hugging Micky for no reason that seemed to make sense, "Can I have a ride there?"

Liam smiled and nodded, "Does Micky need a seat?" Liam asked, Zayn nodded, "I have another two in the car, I have to work the car pool quite often." Liam said, soon all four people were in Liam's six seat truck, three in the front, and three in the back, but it can illegally have eight.


Wow, I wrote that in less than an hour, I'm starting to like this story, now the important question, is this Lirry or Ziam? So many questions.

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