Letter #1

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Wasn't sure if to post this or not, but here goes nothing...

Enjoy!! <3

Dear Camilo,

Where are you?

Why didn't you come back home yesterday?

We all are very worried and sad. Mamí is raining a lot and yesterday I think she made a very big hurricane! We were all going to fly away and Mirabel even lost her glasses because they flew away! Now she told me that she is wearing the pair of glasses that she had before those that she lost or else she wouldn't be able to see properly.

Everyone was crying a lot yesterday too. I think that Dolores heard something sad and then she started crying and everyone else did too. But I don't know why.

When I tried asking what happened, some started crying and ran away, like Luisa and Mirabel. But when I asked tía Julieta she wiped her eyes and told me that you are gone and will never come back and that we will never see you again.

But I don't believe her. You will come back home, just like you always have. Maybe you got lost stargazing again and fell asleep where you were. You did that lots of times and then mamí would be raining, but when you come back you tell her to calm down with that smile of yours. Mamí would be angry but give you lots of kisses and make a rainbow.

Yesterday was a bit weird if I am telling the truth. Okay, maybe not a bit.

It started like usual, with you still there and then all you grown ups went to do your chores around the village while I went to play with the animals in my room. Then I went to get some water and saw everyone apart from mamí, papá and tía julieta in the kitchen. Everyone was sad and panicked and scared.

There was a very big storm outside. Lots of rain and wind and thunder and lightning and even pieces of ice (which I think papá told me that they're called hail). That meant that mamí was very very sad and I didn't know why. I tried asking Abuela but she didn't know either.

I sat down with the rest of our family at the table where we eat. After some time tía Julieta came too.

I think that Dolores was trying to focus on a sound because she did her head tilting thing, the one which you sometimes do to copy her and she gets mad at you for.

Some people started standing up and walking around and doing other stuff while looking serious and sad.

Suddenly Dolores gasped and then she fell on the floor and started crying, saying that someone (which I think is you) was gone. Everyone else started crying too and they all hugged together.

After some time mamí and papá came back and they looked very very sad. I don't remember a time when they were that sad. There was more hugging and then the grown ups decided that we can sleep on the living room floor to not be alone after we brought our blankets and pillows. Everyone slept in their winter pyjamas because it was very very cold from mamí's weather.

She even made snow when she was sleeping!

And then it's today, and everyone is still very very sad. I hate seeing them this sad. I want to make them feel better but I don't know how.

I wish that you are here, you always know how to make everyone smile and laugh and feel happy.

Abuela said that there will be no work and helping the people in the town for at least a week. She said why but I can’t remember the word she used.

Almost everyone went inside their rooms and it was very quiet in Casita. I don't ever remember it being so quiet.

I got bored and lonely and went to Mirabel's room. She was writing something in a book which she quickly closed when I walked in the room.

I asked her what it was and she told it is a diary in which she writes what she feels and is kept a secret. She told me that I can try doing it too.

So that's what I'm doing, but instead of keeping it a complete secret I am sharing it with you, my dear hermano.

I hope that you will come back soon so everybody will be happy again, especially mamí and papá and Dolores and Mirabel.

I miss you very much already. Come back home soon, I love you Cami.

Big hugs and kisses,

Soooo any thoughts about this chapter?? Anything I can improve or any theories on what might have happened??

I apologise if Antonio may have sounded a bit weird in here but this is my first Encanto fic and it has also been a while since I was five years old XD

Hope you all enjoyed it!!

(Comments are always welcome and give me more motivation to continue writing :) )

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