Letter #3

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Dear Camilo,

You will come back, right?

A week ago today you disappeared, and you haven't come back. But I think you know this. And everyone has been very sad ever since.

Why won't you come back?

Did we do something bad to you? I'm very very sorry if I did, please tell me what I did so I will never ever do it again. Please forgive me. I think everyone else is very sorry too, we all miss you.

Everyone else still has the pink eyes. If they're sick, tía Julieta's food didn't heal them. I don't know why. When I'm hurt tía's food always makes the pain go away. I hope the pink eyes aren't hurting them. I don't want everyone to feel even more sad.

Did you get my last letters?

I sent you more before this but I didn't get any back from you. Parce told me that he did give every letter I gave him to Ms. Delgado, but he said that she also told him that the letters take a long time to come to you and back to me. Maybe by the time you get this letter I will get one back from you. I will keep on waiting. Don't forget to write that it's for me! I don't want anyone else in our family to see what we write to each other in private.

Oh! I just remembered something that I wanted to tell you.

Yesterday I finally saw someone in the second floor of Casita. Try to guess who!

No, it wasn't mamí. I wish it was, she is still always in her room and I miss her. I really want to hug her again, and hug you too! We could make one big hug pile, with me, you, mamí, papá and Dolores, just like when I was younger.

It wasn't Dolores either, she is always in her room too, but that's maybe because she told me that the sound can get too loud for her. Even though right now there is barely a noise in Casita.

Time to reveal who!

It was.....


I finally saw her out of her room after a week! She was on the second floor, looking at the pictures of us when we got our gifts and doors. I gave her a fright when I went next to her. She didn't hear me coming! Dolores definitely would, like how she always catches you!

We talked for a bit before Abuela called us down for dinner. Mirabel also came with me and ate together with us at the dinner table again! Everyone was surprised and tía Julieta gave her a hug too.

We talked about a lot of different stuff, but I didn't ask her about what is going on. I don't want to make her sad again. I didn't notice how much I missed talking to her, but I definitely miss talking to you more.

Like I said before, mamí is still in her room and hasn't come out at all. The snow is still falling outside and it looks like it will never stop. It is covering everywhere! I think that it's because she is sad but the snow is still very pretty.

But if I had to choose, I would definitely choose no snow and happy mamí, no matter how pretty and soft it is.

Two or three days ago, Isabela asked me if I wanted to play with her in the snow outside. I said yes and we had a lot of fun!

We made things that she said are called 'snow angels'. You lie down on the snow and move your arms and legs while keeping them on the snow. It was very cold but the snow angels looked pretty. Isa had made me wear lots of clothes on top of each other and gloves and boots and even things that covered your ears so you wouldn't get cold.

Then we formed the snow in balls with our hands and started throwing them at each other. She was the one who started it! But it looked fun so I did like her. And it was fun! A lot.

She was smiling almost the whole time and that made me very very very happy, especially with everyone else being sad.

If you were here at home, I'm sure that you would have had a lot of fun too with us.

But then if you come back home, there would be no snow, so you can't play with us there. But I'm sure that there are a lot more ways to have fun, maybe even more than that! I want you to come back, that's much much better than the snow.

I still miss you very very much, and I really want you to come back home. Everyone misses you.

If you were back here, everyone would smile again and be very happy, and I will be the happiest out of everyone!

Big hugs and kisses,
Antonio :)

Yeah nothing much happened in this chapter, just some family bonding during those hard times and how they've all been coping and handling the situation <3

Thank you all for reading and see you next Sunday!!

Comments are always welcome! ❤

Oh, and I also have a tumblr under the same name! If anyone wants to ask me something on there or tag me in anything you are always welcome :))

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