Letter #15

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2 chapters in one week! I did it! Yes, even if I finished writing this by 11.30pm on Sunday, and even if I started it yesterday XD

And this turned out longer than I honestly expected lol



Dear Camilo,

It finally happened! The thing that everyone had been waiting for has finally happened!

Dolores finally gave birth to her baby just a few days ago!

And it's a girl! A very tiny baby girl.

Do you know what her name is? You'll like it very very much.

Her name is Camilia! Dolores said that she named her that because of you, to kind of remember you she said, I think. Not that we will ever forget you. Or maybe so future generations will know you too because of Camilia.

Whatever the reason is, I really like the name and I love the fact that she's called that because of you.

She is very small, papá could hold her in the palm of his hand! Her skin is lighter than Dolores's, but darker than Mariano's, and she barely has any hair! The small amount that she has is dark brown and her eyes are that colour too.

We went to the hospital when Dolores was almost done giving birth to Camilia. Mamí and papá were already there. Mamí was thundering, but I don't know why. Dolores was going to have her baby! It was a happy moment not one of worry.

After a long time of waiting we were able to go see Dolores. She was on the hospital bed with her head resting against the headboard and with Mariano sitting down next to her legs. And in her hands was little, tiny baby Camilia, wearing the babygrow that I had chosen for her.

After some talking, we were able to hold the baby for some seconds. Everyone held her and was careful not to drop her. I really wanted to hold her but I was the last person to do so. When we were alone, Dolores told me that she did that so I would be able to hold Camilia the longest.

I sat on the bed to hold her and mamí showed me exactly how I should hold her. She started moving in my arms and I was afraid that I was doing something wrong but then Dolores told me that that meant that Camilia liked me.

Well, I love her a lot already too.

We went home soon after that because the time in which visitors can visit people in the hospital ended. Dolores and baby Camilia stayed there though, but it wasn't because something bad happened. Everyone who has a baby has to stay overnight at the hospital, for the nurses and doctors to make sure that nothing bad was happening.

We went home and checked that everything was prepared for when Dolores and Camilia came back home, before going to sleep.

Then, the day after, Mariano went to pick up his wife and daughter from the hospital and they came back home to Casita.

There was a huge banner hanging across the first floor railing that said "Welcome home little Camilia!", which was Mirabel's idea. We all made it together yesterday, while Dolores was at the hospital.

When she walked through the front door, she saw it along with all of us greeting them. She loved it, so much that she is going to keep it herself!

From then, the busyness began. Everyone was a bit panicked since we now had a new baby after 10 years. We were a bit panicked before too but now she was here and everything was about to get very busy very quickly.

And everything is super busy. For now, Camilia is sleeping in Dolores's and Mariano's room. But she has been crying a lot, and Dolores and Mariano look like zombies. Thank goodness that her room is soundproofed. No noise enters from the outside, so no noise exits from the inside too.

Dolores has been wearing earplugs too, so all the screaming won't hurt her ears.

We are taking a break from helping in the village for now till everything is settled. Our parents have been helping with baby Camilia a lot too, so Dolores and Mariano can get some much needed sleep sometimes. The parents have a lot of experience with babies, especially since each couple had 3 kids each! Abuela would have helped too, but now she's getting older and the parents told her that she needs to rest more now, not go into busy and panicky situations.

So yeah, everything is really super busy and chaos-y, I never thought that babies could cry this much! But that's all that has been happening till now, apart from one, wait, two, things that I was about to forget to say.

Isabela has a girlfriend!

Yes, you heard that right. She finally found someone! I was afraid that she would be single forever (not that there's anything wrong with that) but if everything goes right, she won't be.

Her girlfriend is Maria, the farmer's only daughter. I don't know if you ever saw her before, but she has tanned skin (probably from the long hours of working in the sun), light brown, curly hair that reaches till her shoulders, dark blue eyes, freckles and she is taller than Isa.

Isabela told us today during dinner. She looked very nervous and after she told us, she closed her eyes and looked like she was about to cry before tía Julieta and tío Agustin hugged her and told her how they were so proud of her and still love her no matter who she loves. I think that she cried a bit during that, her eyes were a bit red after they separated from the hug. We obviously were all happy for her, even Abuela who was smiling and nodding.

Speaking of girlfriends, I think that Mirabel has one too. Or she likes a girl in the romantic way.

This girl is Elena, Ms. Delgado from the post office's youngest daughter. I talked to her a couple of times, she's very nice, like her mum.

What caused me to think that Mirabel likes Elena is that whenever they hang out together (which is becoming more and more frequent), Mirabel always has this red on her cheeks, just like how Dolores used to have when she talked about Mariano or went on dates with him. It's what happens to mamí too when papá gives her a certain look. I think that Isa once said that it's called blushing and happens to people who are in love.

I hope that if Mirabel really loves Elena, she loves her back too. I don't see why not, Mirabel is an amazing girl!

I never knew that Isabela and Mirabel liked girls in that way, but there's nothing wrong with it. Whether they love a guy or a girl, as long as they're happy that's what matters, am I right?

Lots of great big love,
Antonio ❤️

Yeeeeee lesbian Isabela let's gooooo. I have been waiting to include that since the first chapter.

Sorry if the part with how busy stuff is isn't that good, the last time there was a baby in my house was when I was 5 and I barely remember anything. My mum says that things were very hectic, especially with me, so I went with that. Also yes, I used to cry 24/7 apparently. Rip my parents.

As for the name Camilia, I don't know if it really exists, but I thought it sounded pretty and also didn't want it to be exactly the female version of Camilo. So I got that name. Sorry if I'll be offending any Colombians by that.

So now, in more serious terms, I'll be doing what I did last time.

The next chapter is the reveal of the cause of Camilo's death, so leave your final theories in the comments below! Please only put one theory or state the one which you are most confident in. People who guess correctly get a shout out!!

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one! Bye! ❤️

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