Letter #7

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Happy Easter to those who celebrate!! I hope that your day was filled with lots of good stuff and chocolate eggs <33

Before going into this chapter, it is to be noted that in between these recent chapters months have been passing and also that Antonio has been writing other letters. I'm not writing every letter that he wrote because then this book would never end. 😂

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!

Dear Camilo,

Guess what day it is today?


Well, it was my birthday because now it is before I sleep, but it still is the day of my birthday!

I am now 6 years old!

Today was a lot of fun, I did all the things that I like to do.

First, mamí, papá, Dolores and the rest of the family came to wake me up in my room by singing the happy birthday song and giving me lots of kisses. Mamí, papá and Dolores were under my bed and the others were next to the door. I don't know how they were able to get up next to me! It is very hard to do on your own, even if you did it a lot of times.

Then we went down the slide and papá carried me on his shoulders to outside where we eat our breakfast. There was a very big cake on the table! It was chocolate, my favorite. I still can't understand how you don't like chocolate, it's the best.

I cut the cake and mamí let me eat a piece of it for breakfast. After we all finished eating, it was time for my birthday presents.

I got a lot of presents. Some of the things that papá got me were more paper to write on, more envelopes and jaguar pencils with a cute jaguar eraser to go on top of a pencil!

I like every present I got, but my favourite is the one Mirabel gave me. It is a yellow chameleon soft toy that she made, for me to sleep with and cuddle.

She said that she was making it for your birthday, but then you disappeared and didn't come back for your birthday so she gave it to me instead because she knew that I would love it. And I do, a lot, because now I have something that stands for you to keep with me forever. And then, when you come back home, I will give to you because it was your gift. Or, we can tell Mirabel to make another one like it and we can twin!

After I opened all the presents, I went to put them in my room. While I was going up the stairs, I remembered something. Going up those same stairs to go to my new door and find out if I got a gift or not, and what it was if I did get one.

A year has already passed since when I got my gift. A gift that I love very very much.

Tomorrow will have been a year since we found out about the cracks. A year since the dinner in which Mariano almost proposed to Isabela. A year since Mirabel's and Abuela's fight. A year since everyone lost their gifts. A year since Casita became broken.

And everyone was sad then too. And scared. Nobody knew what we needed to do.

But after a few months, everything got fixed with everyone's help. Mirabel put her doorknob on the door and the magic returned back, and we all got the powers we had before back. And tío Bruno also came back after 10 years of being missing.

I hope that you will come back before 10 years have passed, but it is better to wait 10 years than never seeing you again.

I spent most of the day outside, riding on Parce with our cousins running near me. I even raced with Isabela, I was riding Parce and she was swinging with her vines. Me and Parce won the race!

When I went back home, I remembered something that I wanted to ask Mirabel.

You know about a rule that we have on our birthdays, whatever the birthday person says has to be done, as long as it is not dangerous. Like we are kings and queens!

Oh, and I don't think that I told you this before, but the day when you disappeared, your door did too! It isn't there anymore, the only thing there is an empty space where it used to be. When tío Bruno disappeared, his door didn't have the gold light in it anymore, but yours is gone! There is nothing left of it!

But as from few weeks ago, I have been seeing Mirabel standing in front of where your door was, and drawing something on a piece of paper. I didn't know what she was doing there, but today I found out.

She only told me because it was my birthday, and also said to keep it a secret. So I can't tell you, but it is going to be something very very nice and I can even help her with it! You will 100% love it.

Oh, and remember when I told you that your photo of when you got your gift disappeared too? Mirabel is the one who has it, and she is going to use it for this secret thing that we will be doing.

And now, when I am in my room before I sleep, I am remembering what you used to do on my birthday. How you woke me up by jumping on my bed early in the morning (and Mirabel wouldn't be happy about it because then you woke her up too). How you carried me around the whole town while telling everyone that it was my birthday, making me feel like I was a king. How you always said that you didn't like the chocolate cake but still ate some to not make me feel bad. How you would spend a lot of time reading me my favorite story and shape-shift into all the characters so it was like the story was happening in real life, even if sometimes all the shape-shifting made you tired.

And even though today was fun, it still felt like something was missing; you.

I miss you and everything that you did. I hope that you will come back home soon.

I love you a lot,
Antonio ❤️

That turned sad at the end... 😂
(Who am I kidding, this is pure angst, of course it's gonna be sad-)

And a little fun fact that 'what bday person says has to be done' rule is used in my family, I use it to get out of any chores I do daily and do whatever I feel like doing XD

I hope that you all are enjoying this so far and thank you for reading!! ❤️

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