Letter #11

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Updated this on Ao3 on Sunday, then today I remembered that I was supposed to post this here too. Great job me...

But anyways, it's here now, finally...

Not the reveal chapter but something a little sweet, buuuuuut read the end notes~ ;)

Dear Camilo,

Yesterday was a very special day. Dolores and Mariano got married!

Since you didn’t come to the wedding, I will tell you everything that happened. There was a seat reserved for you (with your ruana on it) and everything, but you still didn’t show up. You should have gotten the invitation to the wedding along with the other guests too when they were sent in the mail. I don’t know why you didn’t come, but maybe I will find out when I finally receive a letter back from you.

But anyways, enough of that, I’m sure that you have your reasons for not coming.

The wedding was held at Casita, more specifically behind it on the grass outside. It was decorated very beautifully, and not just plain grass like it was before. There was a big, light brown wooden arch decorated with white ribbons, white flowers and other white decorations in the middle of the backyard, with a white carpet leading to it, starting from the backdoor. There were a lot of chairs for all the guests to sit on on both sides of the carpet, all with a white ribbon and 2 white flowers tied to a side of them.

We all woke up early to get ready for the big day ahead of us. The kitchen was already full of different food to be eaten during the wedding! Tía Julieta had started preparing a lot of it the day before, but she also cooked a lot yesterday morning! She was at that moment decorating the cake, with Isabela helping her. We ate some of yesterday’s breakfast leftovers, but Dolores barely ate any, she was too excited!

Then we went to get dressed. I had a black suit with a white shirt and darker orange bow tie. Papá helped me get dressed properly and after I went downstairs. I couldn’t play with the animals because then their fur would get all over my suit and it would get dirty, so I was bored while waiting.

After a long time, the girls came downstairs too, all ready. They did each other's hair and makeup in Dolores's room. The bridesmaids (Isabela, Luisa and Mirabel) were wearing light red, floor length dresses with a flower in their hair in the same colour. Mamí was wearing a yellow dress with details in the fabric that went down to her knees and a small jacket in the same colour, matching papá's tie.

Dolores came down last. I had seen her dress before, but I was still amazed when I saw her wearing it. It had a kind of triangle-shaped skirt with lace on her upper body, lace sleeves and a ribbon around her waist, tied in a small bow on the back. Her hair was up in its usual bun, but with 2 curls let down on the front. In front of the bun there was a clip with crystal flowers and other crystal things.

After we took some photos inside, we started going outside on the white carpet for the ceremony. Abuela went first, then tío Bruno, tía Julieta and tío Agustin, mamí, me, Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela and finally Dolores and papá together. Mariano's family and the other guests were already sitting down at their seats and he was in front of the arch. Isabela threw white and light red flower petals on the carpet while walking and I carried the wedding rings since I was the ring bearer. After walking 'down the aisle' we sat down and Dolores went next to Mariano.

Then the ceremony started, some stuff was said, I gave them their rings which were on a red cushion, Dolores and Mariano said their vows while putting the other's ring on the other's finger, and after some more stuff the one leading the wedding announced them husband and wife. And they kissed.

Everyone started clapping and cheering at that, and mamí and papá even started crying happily! Thankfully, tía Julieta had thought of putting a tent over us or else we would have gotten soaked!

After that we went inside and the party started. It was a bit loud, but it was okay. Dolores was wearing noise-cancelling earphones so that the noise wouldn't hurt her ears and she would be able to have fun.

We ate the food that tía Julieta made, it was very good, just like usual. After eating, Dolores and Mariano cut their cake together and then slowly danced their first dance while smiling a lot. For the song after that, Dolores danced with papá and Mariano danced with his mum. And after that song, we all joined in the dancing.

People started leaving after telling congratulations to Dolores and Mariano, until finally only us Madrigals were left. Including Mariano, because now he became Mariano Madrigal.

Everyone was very tired after the wedding, so we all went to bed earlier than usual. Mariano obviously went in Dolores's room to sleep with her because now they are married and that's what married people do.

The wedding day passed very quickly but that's because we were having a lot of fun and were very happy. Abuela says that time flies when you're having fun, and that's what happened.

It is a bit funny that Dolores was the first out of us grandchildren to get married because Isabela is the oldest, not her. But Isabela doesn't have a boyfriend yet, so it will be some years till she gets married too. And I definitely won't be getting married any time soon, I am still too young to be thinking about those things! Or at least that's what mamí said, but I agree with her that I am still too young.

Today we are going to spend the whole day cleaning after the wedding. We didn't see it yesterday, but there was a lot of rubbish left on the floor and a lot of cleaning up to do!

I already said how Dolores and Mariano were supposed to sleep in the same room, but today when I woke up, Mariano was sleeping on the sofa while Dolores was in her room! I really hope that they didn't fight already!!

I really really wish that you were here with us, especially on yesterday's special day. We all love you a lot, and please come back home soon, we really want to see you again. ❤️

A lot and a lot of love,

Little bit of wedding fluff!! The last wedding I went to was when I was like 10 so I might have forgotten what order stuff happens at a wedding, I'm sorry 😭

And nope, Dolores and Mariano didn't fight at the end, it was just a small reference to a fic I once read on Ao3 where Dolores couldn't sleep with Mariano because his heartbeat was too loud for her <3
If I ever find that fic again I'll make sure to link it here.


From the beginning notes, regarding the reveal chapter.


One thing I'm gonna say is that there isn't a 100% chance of me updating next week because it's going to be busy and this chapter will probably be longer than usual, and I want to make sure that I get all the emotions just right so it might take longer to write. Thank you for your patience, I love you <3

LEAVE YOUR FINAL THEORIES IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS CHAPTER, I WON'T CONFIRM NOR DENY ANYTHING FROM THEM. Reread the chapters for any small clues that might have gone over your heads, I leave some in almost every chapter ;)
Be sure to read the comments too!! I sometimes leave clues on there too ;)

Good luck on guessing what happened, the correct theories will get a shout out in the end notes of the next chapter!!

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, bye bye!!


P.S. if you're going to the store, buy some tissues, you'll probably need them ;)

Letters to Camilo Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant