Letter #10

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Thank you all soooooo much for over 550 reads and over 50 votes!! I really really appreciate it!! Thank you! ❤️

So emjoy over a thousand words for today's chapter ;)

Dear Camilo,

Today I just got the best idea ever!!

I have no idea what happens with these letters, because I have never ever received one back from you, so I don't know where you are hiding. You must be very good at hiding because nobody has been able to find you yet, since you aren't here at home with us.

So the idea I got today is to properly go searching for you! You have to be somewhere out there, and the only way for me to find out where you are is by searching everywhere, little by little. The animals can also help me and that will speed everything up so we will be back together very soon!

Even though some years have passed and I don't remember everything that happened that well, I don't remember us going out and search for you. I remember a long time when everyone was very sad and locked inside their rooms, but after that I don't think that we went to try and find out where you are hiding. Maybe the others did search and I don't remember, but I still will go out, maybe I do find you and bring you back home!

But you only come back home if you want to, if you don't want to that's okay. At least I would have seen you in person and properly talked to you after a very long time. That's the thing that I want the most, to see you again.

Tonight, while everyone is asleep, I will go looking for you, on my own. Okay, and maybe some of animals too so they can help me. But not a lot or else they will make a lot of noise and wake everyone up!

I got to go now, I'll hopefully see you tonight!



My plan didn't work.

I did everything like I planned but I still got caught. I was very careful and didn't make any noise, but they still found me! And I was supposed to find you instead...

I went out from the window of my room so that Casita wouldn't be able to stop me, like what would have happened if I went out the front door. I didn't get hurt when I landed after going out the window because the animals helped me get down safely.

Then we went searching for you in the quiet parts of town because I didn't want to wake everyone in the Encanto up and then tell our family and not let me continue.

I searched everywhere that I could: in the bushes, behind trees, behind houses, in old buildings where no one lived, but nothing. The birds didn't see anything either from where they looked.

Then I went to go searching in the forest, even though the animals didn't really like my idea. But you could have been hiding there, so I had to go search there, even if it was a bit scary, but Parce stood by my side and told me that he would keep me safe.

I was a bit into the forest when heavy rain started pouring down from the sky, with strong winds, thunder and lightning. I immediately got reminded of mamí. But how could she have found out that I wasn't at home, I was very careful!

I went out of the forest to not continue worrying mamí and started walking back home. When I went to the opening of the forest, I saw our family, almost everyone was there! Dolores must have listened to where I was and then lead everyone there.

But if she listened to where I was, why couldn't she listen to where you are? I'll try to ask her some day when she's not that busy with helping and wedding stuff, but it doesn't make any sense...

Mamí and papá ran to hug and squeezed me till I could barely breathe! They were shaking and crying, mostly mamí, and telling me how glad they were that I was okay and nothing had happened to me. I worried them a lot and a lot, I really should have thought of what I was going to do without worrying them.

I felt and still feel very bad for doing that to them, they were very very sad and upset and worried. Maybe they thought that I would run away and disappear like you did, but I would never ever do that.

Then we all walked back home, with mamí and papá holding each of my hands. The weather had calmed down but it was still raining, and mamí was still not breathing properly, her breaths were kind of shaky.

When we arrived back home, they told me to sleep in their room for that night, to be sure that I wouldn't run away to somewhere again, even though now I would never try doing it again after seeing how upset and worried they were. I slept on the big, soft couch in front of the fireplace.

Then in the morning, mamí finally yelled a bit at me for going out yesterday without telling anyone. She said how when she and papá came to check on me (which they do every night apparently) and didn't find me in my bed, they thought that someone could have come in my room and took me somewhere else.

She told me to never go out alone, especially without telling anyone, I don't know what could be out there, like the people that Isabela and Dolores once told me about. She also told me to never ever go in the forest, people don't know everything that is in there and those stuff could be very very dangerous.

In the end, she also gave me a punishment to not go out of Casita and play outside. She also locked the windows to my room (which me and the animals don't know how to open) so I wouldn't sneak out again.

I don't think that all of this is fair, I was only doing it to try to bring you back home! I did everything that I did for a good thing. And now I am punished for doing that. Nobody apart from the animals and you know why I went out though, and I don't think that I will tell them. This punishment is only for a day and when sometimes your name comes up, everyone gets sad and I don't want that happening.

Anyways, I think that I will end this letter here because I don't have anything else to say. I will always keep on loving you and wishing that you were back here with us.

Lots and lots of love,

Lots of stuff going on, Antonio is starting to have some questions as he gets older...

Will he get an answer to those questions? Yes, definitely, and soon ;)

And well, nobody could blame Pepa for what she did, I would totally freak out and go into panic mode if in the future I don't find my child sleeping in their bed like they're supposed to be doing and they appear to have straight up disappeared...

I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter, leave a comment on what I can improve on and I'll see you again next Sunday. Thank you for reading!! ❤️

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