Letter #8

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Wrote this entire chapter today bshajdkkdknd

Don't ask me how I managed to do it cause I have no idea XD


Dear Camilo,

Will you ever come back home?

On this day one year ago, you disappeared. You left all of us and never came back home. I still don't know what happened to you, why you left or where you are.

One year since everything changed. When you left, everyone became very very sad. I remember when it was as if everything stopped. Most of the family stayed for a long time in their rooms and we didn't do anything, just stay inside Casita.

The time passed very slowly but the days did go by a bit fast too. I don't understand how it happens, maybe because we didn't do anything and I only played with the animals.

It has been one year since I started writing these letters, telling you about what has been going on while you aren't here. I gave each and every letter to Parce so he gives them to Ms. Delgado and they come to you. But I never got any back from you, maybe you don't have where to send them?

Wait... do you even read my letters?

I hope that you do, but even if you don't, I will still continue sending you these. I find it a bit relaxing (is that what you say?) writing these letters to you.

I also remember that one year ago there was a lot of bad weather and it continued for a long time, because mamí was very sad.

Today it is raining too, but not as bad as last year. I saw mamí today (she is not in her room all day like last year, but she did spend some time in there today) and she was sad with the rain falling on her. I gave her a very big hug and she hugged me too while giving me a lot of kisses.

Everyone was sad today, not only mamí. It's because like I said, today is when you disappeared one year ago so everyone remembers that and becomes sad. We all miss you, a lot and a lot.

Because everyone was sad, Abuela said that we didn't have any chores to do or help anybody. She said that if things weren't serious the people could wait another day. If we were sad we wouldn't help the people well, but she understands why we were sad and she was too.

Apart from everyone being sad and doing nothing, today I can finally tell you the secret thing me and Mirabel were doing together.

Because your door disappeared, Mirabel got the idea to paint it back! That's why she took the photo from when you got your gift, she wanted to see how it exactly looked to make it perfect.

The door wasn't going to be a proper door, we drew it on the wall so it looked like one but you couldn't open it. We spent a lot of time working on the door to make it the best it could be and when we finished it, it looked perfect! Exactly how it was before it disappeared too, but it didn't glow with the gold magic.

Casita even made a small hole in the wall so that we could place a doorknob in there too, to make it look like a real door. After some weeks, Mirabel came back home with a special doorknob. It is exactly like how ours are, this time with a C for Camilo on it.

Today, me and Mirabel properly showed the door to the rest of the family. Everyone loved it and said that it was very pretty and like how it was before. They told us that we did a very very good job.

The doorknob wasn't put in its hole yet because we wanted to give it to mamí so she could put it in. When I gave it to her, she started crying but I think that she was happy-crying because there was a rainbow on her head and she was smiling.

When she put it in, the door became very bright and so we looked away because it was too bright for us to look at. When the light wasn't too bright, we looked back at your new door.

At first I didn't see anything different but then someone said that it became a proper door! And it did!

It didn't have the magic, glowing light like the other doors, but it can be opened!

Behind the door isn't a room like how your bedroom was before, it is much smaller. The walls are painted the colour between yellow and orange. In the room there are 2 armchairs, lots of cushions on the floor, some small tables and some chests of drawers.

Tomorrow we are going to put the stuff that was in your room before it disappeared back in this new one, because when your room disappeared, your stuff went to mamí's and papá's room.

My favorite thing about this new room is that on the small tables and the walls there are a lot of pictures of you and you with all of us, spending time together. I love those photos, it reminds me of when you were back here with us.

I really hope that you will come back home soon, then we can take lots more photos together and add them to those in your new room.

Love you a lot and miss you,
Antonio ❤️

Wait... I just thought of something... maybe this is why you aren't sending me any letters... but I hope that this isn't true...

Do you even want to come back home?

Like I said in the beginning, I wrote this in a day so I'm sorry for the possible drop in quality. This week I will be starting some of the most important exams of my life so I have to study. I will still try my best to update every Sunday, but if there is a sudden drop in quality you all know why.

Oh, and this new room will probably become Antonio's favourite place to write his letters :))

Thank you for reading and don't hesitate to drop me a comment on what I can improve on!!

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