Letter #2

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Dear Camilo,

Did you receive my last letter?

I hope you did, but I did not get any letters back from you.

And I hope Parce did give it to the lady that gives people their letters. He told me that he did. I did tell him before to try to give it to you straight away but he told me that he couldn't sniff you out to see where you are.

Oh wait! I didn't tell you how I will get the letters to you.

So after I finished yesterday's letter, I went to ask papá when I saw him before dinner how to give the letter to you. He told me to give it to Parce and tell him to give it to Ms. Delgado at the place where people put letters so they can be sent to somewhere else.

I remember going once there with papá and tío Agustin. Ms. Delgado was very sweet and friendly with me, she even gave me a lolipop!

He then told me that then Ms. Delgado would send it to you. But then he told me that you might not send me a letter back because you might not have that place where you send the letters where you are. Nobody knows where you are.

Where are you?

It's like you disappeared. Like when we played hide and seek and I wouldn't find you. But you always came back to find me after, even if then I would win and you lose.

I can't wait for you to come back.

But until you come back, I will continue writing you these letters.

So after I talked with papá, I put the letter in an envelope that he gave me, wrote that it was for you and gave it to Parce. I told him to give it to Ms. Delgado.

It has been snowing a lot and a lot. The snow hasn't stopped falling down from the sky and I think it's because of mamí. I never saw her make snow before.

Speaking of mamí, I'm very worried about her. Since you disappeared, she hasn't come out of her room, not even to eat! But I think papá takes the food to her room so they eat it in there.

Apart from mamí and papá, during dinner yesterday, Dolores and Mirabel didn't come either. They both very rarely come out of their rooms too, but this morning I saw Mira walking on the floor where we have our bedrooms. She didn't notice me. After dinner I saw tía Julieta and Isabela take some food to their rooms.

Dinner was very quiet too. Nobody was talking and everyone was looking down at their food. Nobody said anything when I gave Parce a piece of food, not even Abuela! You know that I can't do that, but I did it because he really really wanted to taste it.

Now today everyone is still in their rooms apart from tía Julieta who I saw cooking in the kitchen. She is almost always in there. It's because she is the one who always cooks.

Do you remember when once you tried to cook something and almost set the entire kitchen on fire? I think that's why you can't help with cooking anymore.

But I think that she wants you back - we all do - because I heard her saying something like, "ay Camilo, what have you done this time, why did you have to go..."

Then she saw me and stopped what she was doing (I think cooking some arepas con queso (?), your favourite) to ask me what I wanted from there.

Her eyes were kind of pink, like everyone else's. I hope that they aren't sick.

I think that's all that happened today, nothing much happened today either, everyone is still sad and in their rooms. But right now I think it's because it is going to be bedtime soon.

I still miss you a lot, and I wish you were back here to make everyone smile again. I hate seeing everyone so sad, it makes me sad too. It's like the vacuum cleaner took all the happiness from here with the dust in Casita.

I really wish you are here to read me a bedtime story, don't tell mamí or papá but I like your stories the best.

I love you a lot ♡

Big hugs and kisses,

Antonio is an adorable clueless boy (but we still love him <33)

Comments are always welcome!! ❤

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