Letter #6

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Reads and votes keep rising, I can't thank you all enough!! ❤❤

I'm aware that for some people the chapters are updated on Monday but I update them on Sunday at around 11pm. Timezones are complicated.

Oh, and this chapter wasn't written to be simply a filler....

Dear Camilo,

How are you? I hope that you are happy where you are. We all still miss you, but I prefer you being happy and not with us, than not happy and with us. I'm not saying that I don't want you with us, I just hate seeing someone sad, like you.

But I don't have your gift to make people happier like you do. Now everyone is not so sad, but they still are a bit. It still rains a lot.

I am a bit sad too, I wish that you would write a letter back to me, to tell me that you are happy. But if you don't want to it's okay, I will still write these to you, just like I think I said before.

When you come back can you maybe teach me how to make people happy but without your gift please?

You can do that, you do it to me many many times.

But until you come back, I will keep telling you what has happened, like I said I will, so that when you come back you know what has been happening.

Talking about what has been going on, today something very strange happened.

Well, not strange but it is not normal. It never happened to me and I never heard this but maybe you and the others have before.

But before I tell you the strange thing, I have to tell you that who wants can go help the townspeople again tomorrow. Not everyone will, but I want to go do it for the first time since Abuela let me. Luisa is very happy to go help again, Mirabel told me that she doesn't like wasting her time when she could be helping someone, even though everyone tells her to take breaks.

And now for the strange thing.

Isabela and Dolores took me to Dolores's room to tell me something very important. They told me that I have to be very very careful tomorrow when going out to help.

Dolores said that the people talk about us when we aren't there, and that the things they say aren't always good. Isabela then said that some people can say that you are the greatest but then when you go away they hate us. I don't know why, and neither do they, we always do our best to help everyone and make them happy.

They told me to not believe what everyone says and think that they are a good person because not everyone is good.

I can't help the people that I don't know, which is strange because Abuela always told us to help everyone who needs help, no matter who. I can't talk to people I don't know too.

They told me that I can't go anywhere without an adult from our family and without telling someone that I am going somewhere. Most of the time when I'm going out, Dolores will come with me, and when she doesn't come she will still listen carefully to where I am and what I am doing.

She said that she won't let it fade to 'background noise' (that's what she said it was) and will listen more carefully to all of us in the family at all times. I asked her how she doesn't listen to us at all times since she can listen to a lot of things and she said that because she hears a lot and a lot, she doesn't pay attention to the noise that she doesn't want to hear, making it not as loud as the noise that she wants to hear.

So tomorrow, when I go out for the first time to help the townspeople, Dolores will be with me and I can't leave her side. She will always be with me, wherever I go that is not in Casita.

Isabela after said that some people even might want to be our enemies!

But why?

We didn't do anything bad to these people, never! We help them a lot! Isa even said that if it weren't for our miracle, these people wouldn't have a place to live! So why would they hate us?

Dolores said that she thinks that some people might hate the magic and our powers, maybe because they don't understand exactly how it works. She doesn't know if what she thinks is true or not, and if it's true, she doesn't know why some people would hate the magic. No one knows why.

They told me again that I should be very very careful and that if I hear someone say bad things about our family or the magic, I should tell them very quickly. They also told me to tell that to the animals too, to tell me if they hear anyone saying bad things about us.

Then what they needed to tell me was done, they let me go back to my room.

I really don't know what all of that was about, I never heard anyone from our family say those things before. And yes, Abuela told them to tell me these things, I already asked Dolores and even Abuela.

Did you hear all of this stuff before? Do you maybe know what it means?

I can't wait for you to come back, I really miss you and the things we used to do together. Please come back home soon.

Big hugs and kisses,
Antonio ❤

Antonio still a clueless little boy, he needs so many hugs ❤

If nobody can tell the talk with Isabela and Dolores is basically 'Enemy' (by Imagine Dragons) with some added parts.

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!

Comments are always welcome, looking forward to hearing everyone's theories, especially after this chapter ;)

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