Letter #4

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Slightly longer chapter than the previous ones as a thank you for surpassing 100 reads on here and 1000 on ao3 <333

Dear Camilo,

When are you coming back home?

It has already been a month now, will you ever come back?

If you maybe sent me a letter, I haven’t received any back. I check everyday, but I didn't find anything in our mailbox. I even asked papá to ask Ms. Delgado but he told me that she said that she didn't get any back from you. 

I really wish that maybe you would send one to me, even if you don't want to come back. At least tell me that you are okay and feeling happy, maybe even happier than when you were here with all of us.

I really don't know why you left, I wish that you could tell us why. :(

But I will still continue writing these letters to you, to tell you that I am worried for you (we all are) and that we all want you to come back home. And to also tell you what has been going on in here while you are missing.

Maybe you didn't get my letters? But I don't think that you didn't, I did write your name on the envelope. Did you write mine on it? If you didn't, maybe that's why I didn't get any letters back.

In the last letters I told you that mamí was making a lot and a lot of snow. Now, there still is the snow falling but not as much as before. But it still is falling, which means that mamí is still very sad. 

Last time I managed to see the inside of her room when papá was going down to get some food for her. There was a biiiiig pile made up of a loooot of blankets on the bed and I think that under them was mamí. But I didn't see her, only the blankets, so I don't know if she was under there or if it was only the blankets. 

And mamí and papá's room was full of snow! Everything inside was covered in white. You couldn't even tell where some of their furniture (I think that's what it's called, I have to ask Mira to be sure) was!

I tried to go inside to give mamí a biiiiig hug, but Casita didn't let me and closed and locked the door to their room. I don't know why she did that, I was only trying to help mamí! I tried telling her that but Casita still didn't let me in. I wish that I could :(

Someday this week, I can't remember when, I went to the kitchen after my bedtime to get some water because I was very thirsty. Casita helped me so I wouldn't fall.

Before I went into the kitchen, I noticed that the lights were still on, which was strange, because mamí and papá always tell me to switch off the lights when I am not in a room anymore.

I hid behind the wall so that who was in the kitchen wouldn't see me. When I moved my head from behind the wall to see who was in there, I saw tía Julieta and tío Bruno talking.

I don't know what they were saying exactly but I think that tío Bruno said that if he had a vision he could have stopped that from happening and then tía Julieta said that none of what happend was his fault and that he shouldn't blame himself. I don't know what they were talking about. They were talking quietly, almost whispering, so I couldn't hear them that well.

When they were going to go to sleep, Casita helped me hide behind some plants and then I went to get a glass of water and then go back to sleep. I wish that I know what they were talking about, but I can’t ask them because then they will find out that I wasn't sleeping when I was supposed to. If they tell mamí, then she will start thundering and I don't want to make her do that.

Oh! Something very very good happened today in the morning!

Dolores finally came out of her room!! After one looooong month!! 

I saw her going to her room with her breakfast when I came out of my room to go downstairs and have my breakfast. I couldn't believe that it was her! It had been so long since I had last seen her.

I ran to hug her and I think she almost dropped her breakfast! Wait, did I just give her a fright? That is one of the hardest things to do! You even said that it was impossible!!

I hugged her leg (she is too tall for me) and then Casita moved a small table over so Dolores could place her food there and she went down on her knees and properly hugged me. I missed that a lot and a lot.

I asked her why she was always in her room and she told me that it was because there was a bit too much noise and that she wasn't feeling very good, but now she is better. 

I told her that you weren't back home yet and she looked sad before rubbing her eyes and telling me to go get my breakfast so that we could eat it together in her room. I did that after telling the rest of the family where I was going, and she let me inside her room after I knocked on her door. 

We sat on some of the many fluffy cushions that there are on the carpet floor. We finished eating and she took the empty plates back to the kitchen. When she came back, she hugged me again and then we sat on the floor and cuddled while talking quietly to not hurt her ears until it was time for lunch. We went down together but she had her lunch in her own room again. Then I think that she slept because her door was locked when I tried to go be with her again.

Something good I saw happening was that the pink eyes that everyone had aren't that pink anymore. For some, the white part is coming back to white and it is a very light pink now.

Oh, and one last thing I want to tell you before I run out of paper to write on. Today, just before I went to my room to sleep, I passed the wall of the photos of when we got our gifts and looked at it, like I do everyday. 

But I saw an empty space on that wall. I looked closer and noticed that one photo was missing.


I have no idea where it went, it was there this morning! And I don't think anyone could have gotten in and stolen it, Casita would have kicked them out. I don't know, I'll ask our family tomorrow. Maybe they decided to change the wood outline and started with yours.

I have to stop writing here, only a few space is left on this paper and then I don't have anymore. I'll have to ask papá for more tomorrow.

Wait, I just thought of something. Could it be that you are not writing back because you don't have any paper to write on where you are?

If you don't have, I'll send some in the next letter :)

Big big hugs and kisses,
Antonio ❤

Antonio is still a sweet, clueless boy, I love sweet sibling interactions, everyone blames themself and Pepa has it the worst out of everyone :)

Thank you for reading!! (And for the amount of reads too akgsjjskdn)

Comments are always welcome, I squeal everytime I get a new one <3

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