1 - Family Time

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I am trying to fix the formatting, so please bear with me! 💕

"When are you coming to see us? You've been back a week and a half and we have seen you once," my best friends took turns whining into the phone.

"Well, right now I am doing important sister stuff. This is not the best time," I grumbled at the men as I dug through my purse to find my keys. "I have to get Connor enrolled in school today and then we are going to visit Clara in the hospital. Ah, there they are!" I held the keys triumphantly in the air.

Honey commented, "Kyun has been pouting non-stop. You need to go see him soon." "I will, I promise. But right now, I have to go. Text me the address and I will try to come to see you guys play this weekend. Love you both!" I hung up after we blew kisses to each other. I called out to Connor as I almost ran up the stairs. He was in his room with Mom, looking very handsome and much older than his 6 years. He was smiling from ear to ear, excited about meeting his new teacher, who happened to be a friend of a friend... or several friends, actually.

"He is all ready to go. Such a handsome little man, you are," she lilted in her Irish brogue while straightening his collar. Dad shuffled into the room and gave Connor a wink.

"Come on buddy, let's do this!" He giggled and gave me a tiny high five. He hugged my parents and took my hand as we headed to the car.

We pulled into the school parking lot and I took a deep breath as I put the car in park. I could speak in front of clients and give presentations without fear, but I was nervous as hell at that moment, for some reason.

I got out and opened the door for my nephew. He was experienced at unbuckling his seatbelt and booster seat, so he was ready to get out. He smiled at me and told me it would be okay. I laughed and squeezed his hand. He was 6, going on 30.

The clicking of my heels and squeaking of his sneakers echoed in the hallway as we made our way to his new teacher's office. It was summer so there were no students to fill the empty halls. We reached the student art-adorned door and I noted it was partially open, but dark inside. I could hear music playing softly, so I knew someone was around. I smoothed my blouse and looked down at Connor. He was still smiling.

I knocked softly on the door and tried to peer inside as a man's raspy voice said to come in. The lights were off, but the light from the window was bright. I saw his silhouette first as my eyes adjusted.

"I am sorry about the lights. I like to leave them off when I can. They make my eyes hurt." A soft light flickered to life on the desk as he turned on a lamp. I felt my breath catch as the most handsome man I had ever seen leaned back in his chair and crossed his long legs. His very long, slim legs.

His hair was bleached to a soft warm blond color, which made his eyes stand out even more. The color suited his skin tone. He was Korean, just like our mutual friends. I was thankful for the dim lighting as I hoped it had prevented him from catching me ogling him. I thought I caught a hint of a smirk on his beautiful lips and realized I was licking my own. I snapped myself back and introduced myself.

"I am Hannah Song and I believe you may know Connor? We are your 10:30." The handsome man leaned forward and then stood. I felt the room tilt... did I just swoon? He introduced himself as Edward Lee and shook my hand. Did he linger when our hands touched? Was there a long glance and a smile as he held it? My imagination could be vivid at times, so I dismissed it. He crouched down and said hello to Connor. He shook his hand just as he had mine and I noticed how he focused on the boy and made him feel comfortable. It was obvious that he loved children.

He stood and smiled and I suddenly couldn't breathe. He gestured to the leather sofa on the opposite wall from his desk. His voice was breathy and sexy as he spoke and I found it hard to concentrate. He asked us to have a seat.

"Connor, you and I have never really been introduced before. I've heard all about you though. I guess you are excited to start school?" he commented as he leaned forward, engaging my nephew. I received a text message and quickly checked my phone while the men spoke. "Yes!" Connor exclaimed as he bounced with his tiny hands clenched in front of his chest. We laughed because he was so adorable. Mr. Lee asked Connor a few questions and then he turned his attention to me. I guiltily dropped my phone to my side and he smirked.

"Sorry, someone has bad timing. He was supposed to do that an hour ago." He nodded. Kyun had finally texted me the address for their band practice. I caught the hint of an eyebrow raise when I said "he".

"Changkyun told me that you are Clara's sister and that she is having major surgery. It says here that you have responsibility for Connor until she recovers. Is she doing OK?" My text notification sounded again and I pushed the phone under my thigh. He watched the movement and his eyes lingered longer than they probably should have. I felt flushed suddenly.

"It is ok, it is not a secret. She is recovering from heart surgery and yes, I will be responsible for him while she is recovering." His look of concern made my heart melt a bit.

"Did she have a heart attack?"

New BeginningsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon