26 - I Promise You

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We had been jokingly calling the reception party the "after party", even though it was happening the day after the wedding. It was definitely a break from tradition, especially for Clara, but the timing worked out better. She had wanted the wedding in the evening and the party earlier in the day. She and Hyungwon were leaving for Buenos Aires early the next morning and they didn't want to be up til the wee hours of the morning.

Dad, Mom, and I were working on getting it all ready when suddenly 6 gorgeous men appeared in the backyard, volunteering to help in any way they could. Clara, Hyungwon, and Connor were off doing something fun as a new family... a trip to the zoo. They let Connor pick.

My heart fluttered when I saw Minhyuk, but I tried not to let it show. My mind was still spinning from Dad's offer, but now wasn't the time to discuss that with Min. I still had a business, an employee, and all the things to deal with. No, I wasn't going to tell him what I was thinking about doing. Not just yet.

With the extra hands, it didn't take any time at all to get it all ready. When Dad had redone the downstairs and patio, he had an outdoor kitchen built. The house was on a bit of a hill, so he had the landscapers terrace it and create smaller landings around the yard. We added Tiki torches to provide atmosphere, and in summer they would help keep the mosquitoes away.

When they were designing the layout, Mom had requested a variety of flowers and shrubs that would bloom year round. We were in the fall season, so there were Autumn Crocus, Blue Mist Shrub, Japanese Anemone, New York Aster, and Russian Sage to name a few. There was always an explosion of color in the yard, just the way she liked it.

Those blooms had provided a beautiful backdrop for the wedding. That was why Clara wanted to have her ceremony there. It was very much just for the family and their closest friends. And the party was going to be for everyone, even the neighbors. They decided to keep the menu simple and more like a summer cookout. Burgers, hot dogs, and some barbecue along with all the sides and fixins (yep, that's a word. Look it up.). It was a party, after all.

We went inside to Dad's new bar and he made a test pitcher of his "famous" Margaritas. We only had about an hour before the guests were going to start arriving. He had hired a driver and van to shuttle the guests so they could park at the neighborhood clubhouse and not block the road and driveway. The HOA frowns on that.

The guests of honor arrived, so Mom and I went upstairs to change for the party. We had both just worn kick-around clothes since we thought we would be doing a lot more outside. I picked a sundress with a blue and white water pattern that hit just above my knees. I added a short denim jacket and white slip-on sneakers.

My hair was kinda going crazy from being out in the humidity, so I tamed it by putting it up in a messy bun. Dainty gold earrings, a dab of perfume behind my ears, and a little tinted lipgloss finished it off. I stopped to look at the Claddah ring and caught myself missing him... again. I sighed and started to go downstairs. Connor came to the door to escort me down. He was such a little gentleman.

"Auntie Hannah, are you coming back home? Mommy said she hoped you were. I wasn't supposed to hear. She was talking to Unc... Daddy." He corrected himself with a giggle.

"Maybe. I am thinking about it." Hearing myself say it out loud made it feel more real.

"It would be so awesome if you do! Then we can see each other all the time! And maybe you and Uncle Minhyuk won't have to be broke up anymore." His innocent little face looked up at me with such hope. I wanted to squeeze him so tight and never let go.

"Uncle Minhyuk? When did you start calling him that?" I stroked his hair.

"When he wasn't my teacher anymore and was your boyfriend. Is it OK?"

New BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora