4 - Off Limits

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     Those eyes. I was lost in his eyes. They were all I could see as I struggled to figure where I was and what was happening. He blinked and I saw the uneven blink up close. I couldn't breathe. He smiled and I felt like I never wanted to move from that spot. In his arms. Wait, in his arms? How...

     I jumped backwards and stood quickly. The sudden movement threw me off balance and I stumbled. He reached to catch me and we fell to the couch. He landed on top of me. My hands were on his chest, his hard chest. I wanted him. I hadn't wanted anyone like this before, ever. I licked my lips. He watched. A tiny smile appeared, more of a smirk. His lips parted and his eyes grew darker. I could only hear my heart beating in my ears.

     But then, another rhythmic sound... footsteps on the stairs. Oh no! Connor! I pushed him back and stood up, looking around like I was guilty of something. Minhyuk just sat on the couch grinning. I felt naked. I looked down to check, but I still had on all my clothes. I looked up and Changkyun was standing there with a huge grin on his face.

     "Am I interrupting something?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

     "Um no, nothing. We, uh, I just woke up. Um, what time is it?" I looked for my phone to see the time.

     "It is 5:14 in the morning," Minhyuk answered in his raspy voice. That sexy voice that flowed over me and made me feel a certain way. "We spent the night together, it seems." His eyes sparkled mischievously. Changkyun came around and sat on the couch.

     "I... I will be back in a sec." I practically ran upstairs. I had a bathroom downstairs, but I wanted real privacy. I needed to get away for a minute. What the hell just happened? I was about to kiss him! What the hell! I splashed water on my face and looked into the mirror. If he wants boundaries, he needs to uphold them. What the hell was that?

     I took care of my business, smoothed my hair, and headed back to the stairs. I stopped and went to the coffee pot instead. Mom always had it programmed to start at 5AM. She appeared and startled me. She took one look at me and smiled.

     "So he spent the night, eh?"

     "How... how can you possibly know that? And nothing happened. We just fell asleep on the couch," my voice trailed off as she started laughing.

     "Kyunnie's car is still outside, Creena. Sometimes you are a bit too gullible," she patted my cheek and laughed softly. "Now let's get some coffee for you and your boyfriends. Connor will be up soon and I am sure you don't want his teacher here when he wakes up." She winked at me. She was right. It was awkward enough now. That would be too much.

     We loaded a tray and I took it downstairs. I heard low voices and laughter. I tried to be quiet so I could hear, but the coffee cups rattled and gave me away. So much for my stealthy recon. I cursed under my breath. Kyun met me at the bottom of the stairs and took the tray. I was still a few stairs up, but he could reach it easily.

     He sat the tray on the coffee table and spread out on the other end of the sofa so I was forced to sit between them if I sat down. "Dad really needs more furniture down here," I muttered to myself as I sat down. I looked forward because I could not look at either of them. I sipped my coffee in silence. I felt both of them looking at me. I took a deep breath, "You guys need to hit the road. Connor will be up soon and he can't see his teacher here like this." I looked over at Minhyuk. He still had that mischievous look. I wanted to jump on top of him and... well, I think you get the idea.

     Neither made any move to hurry. They sipped their coffee and chatted like they had nothing else to do. I was getting nervous. We were running out of time. I stood up and faced them. "You have to go. Now, please." Still no movement. I grabbed Kyun by the arm and tried to pull him up. He didn't budge. "Please," I begged. "For Connor's sake. He won't understand."

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