29 - Wedding Jitters

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Kyun told me he had a surprise for me and asked me to clear off a morning for him. He and Honey showed up that morning and ate breakfast with me and Mom. Dad had gone on to the venue to supervise the work. Permits were filed, inspections were scheduled, and supplies were ordered. There had been a couple of hiccups here and there, but things were on track for mid-May completion. Our date was June 14th, so it absolutely had to be finished on time.

During the 45 minute drive, Honey told me about a girl he had met a few weeks ago and he sounded head over heels for her. He showed me a photo and she was gorgeous. He talked about her for several minutes before Kyun gently redirected the conversation to what we were going to have for lunch. There was a little café close to our destination, which he was still keeping secret. I tried to get it out of Honey, but he just leaned back and grinned. I wanted to poke his dimples.

We ended up at a little boutique shop I had never heard of. Kyun said a friend of his owned it. That meant she was either a current, past, or future girlfriend. I smiled to myself as I wondered which category this one fell into. My best friend was a bit of a ladies' man.

The shop was beautiful. The owner's name was Amanda and she was tiny and gorgeous. She had long auburn hair and big hazel eyes. Eyes that kept going all googly when she looked at Kyun. He didn't seem to return the feeling quite as strongly. My guess was future, or more likely wannabe girlfriend.

Amanda designed bespoke gowns and dresses... bridal, prom, quinceanera... pretty much for any occasion. The phone rang just after Kyun introduced us, so she was tied up for a few minutes. Honey and I looked around her shop while we waited, and I fell in love with every dress in there. Her attention to detail was phenomenal. Her style was classic with modern flair, which was right up my alley.

Honey found a rack of fabric samples and wrapped a couple around my shoulders, checking out how the colors and fabrics looked against my skin. I really wanted to wear white. It was the one thing that had stayed consistent with my dreams of a wedding gown since I was a little girl. Thankfully, the color didn't wash me out the way it did others with red hair. Clara and I missed out on the full-on ginger coloring. We could also tan, eventually.

Honey directed my attention to a particular dress in the window and told me it would look lovely on me. Kyun just stood against the wall, arms crossed and with a big grin on his face. He winked when I looked at him. I wondered how long he had been holding out on telling me about this place.

"I am so sorry to keep you waiting. My assistant is off today, so I am handing everything myself," she apologized as she floated over to where I stood.

"It's okay, I was just admiring your work. These are stunning!" I gushed as I fingered the lace of a wedding gown in the window.

Amanda beamed, "thank you, they really are a labor of love. So Hannah, Changkyun tells me you are getting married in June. What style do you have in mind?"

"Honestly, I don't really have one in mind. I am all over the place and I can't seem to nail down anything. I usually deal with the brides, I'm not used to being one myself," I laughed self-consciously.

"It can be overwhelming. There are so many options. Let's go look at some photos and get some ideas. We don't have much time, so we should get started as soon as possible." I realized that Kyun probably had not told her this was a surprise visit. I didn't even know if I would use her for my dress, although I was thinking I might. I really liked her style and Kyun would not have driven me out there if he didn't trust her.

"OK, but I am not sure I am ready to make a decision today." Amanda smiled at me and assured me that was fine.

"I am impressed with what I see so far though. Kyunnie surprised me with this adventure," I grabbed his arm and pulled him down a little so I could kiss his cheek. I saw a bit of jealousy flare in her eyes. "He is the bestest best friend of ever," I giggled. He grinned and played shy. Amanda seemed to relax a bit.

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