30 - Here Comes The Bride

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"Or maybe godfather sounds ominous. Fairy godmother?" I turned to find my Dad standing there laughing at his own joke.

"Oh Daddy, thank you so much!" I ran to hug him.

"You are so welcome."

"How... how did you know?"

"You know I talk to the boys, right? We hang out," he winked.

"Mom, did you know about this?" I turned to her, but I could see from her expression that she was as surprised as I was.

"No Creena, I did not." She walked over and gave Dad a kiss on the cheek.

"You used to dream of being Cinderella when you were little. I wanted to make that dream come true." I hugged him so tight that I thought I would sprain my arms.

"Thank you Daddy. I love you so much." Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't stop smiling and looking at my feet. Dad wasn't known for spoiling us girls, but he had always made sure we never wanted for anything. This was the most extravagant thing I had ever known him to buy that wasn't for home or business.

Honey was still on the phone and I heard him trying to get my attention. I put him on speaker and told him the mystery was solved. He laughed.

"I was sworn to secrecy. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you. I could never be mad at you, Honey. Never." I blew him a kiss through the phone and heard him pretend to catch it.

I sat on the bed and looked around at the people in my room. Reality was beginning to set in. I was getting married in 2 months. 2 months! I fell back on the bed and held my feet in the air, giggling. I sat up quickly and made that announcement, loudly.

"I am getting married in 2 months! Me!" Connor hopped up on the bed and hugged me.

"Auntie Hannah, you and Uncle Minhyuk will be happy. I know it!" My little dude knew it to be fact, so it was fact. "I am glad you are marrying him."

"Me too, sweetheart." What I meant was, I am glad I came to my senses and didn't let the best thing that ever happened to me get away.

The renovations were complete. The furnishings were all in place. The landscaping was done. Decorations and lights were hung. My dress was perfect. It was the night before my wedding and I was so nervous and excited I didn't think I would sleep a wink.

Mom and Clara tried to help me settle down so that I would not have dark circles, but it was no use. I was like Connor on Christmas Eve. I was at Mom and Dad's house, even though I had spent the last 2 months mostly at Min's house. We had moved all my stuff from storage into the house, except the things I would need for the week. Those would go before we left for Korea though.

In keeping with tradition, I would not see him until the wedding, except for family things and the rehearsal dinner. It had been almost a week since I had been in his arms for more than a goodnight hug. I spent over an hour on the phone every night talking to him though. Every night I felt like I was a teenager talking to my crush.

Min's parents had flown in for the wedding. They were staying in his house, so I expected our wedding night might be a little awkward. Thankfully, their bedroom was on the opposite end of the house and upstairs. We would be flying back to Korea together after the wedding.

They seemed to like me, even though they weren't completely sold on the idea that he was not marrying an Asian. I think the fact that my stepfather was Korean and I was raised with a great understanding of and respect for Korean culture helped a lot.

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