20 - Love (NSFW)

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I opened my mouth and nothing came out. What was I supposed to say anyway? I love you too? Well, slow down, mister. This train is going off the rail. Finally I said, "Min, this is too fast. I can't catch my breath."

"I didn't mean to scare you, Cheonsa. I couldn't hold back anymore. I took the chance and put it out there. I actually don't want you to respond. Not yet. I want you to think about me, about us, about the possibilities. Then when you are ready..." he left it hanging. I knew what he meant, so he didn't need to say it. He was trying to take the pressure off of me, but instead it added it. Now I had to come to terms with all the feelings that had been swimming around in my head. I had to figure out how I felt about him.

As my mind was spinning, he whirled me around and we started dancing. He acted like nothing had just happened, like he hadn't just knocked me for a loop. Kyun appeared and told him the break was over. Min winked at me, gave me a peck on the lips, and went back with Kyunnie.

I stood there in a garden of beautiful flowers, oblivious to the scents and sights around me. All I could see was that man disappearing through the doorway. I put my hands to my face and turned around. I wandered down the walkway and his words just kept echoing in my head. I felt like I was floating down the path. Love? He loved me? Is that what this is? Love? My head was spinning. I heard the music start back up and instinctively headed back towards it, still in a daze.

I tried sitting and watching them perform, but every time he looked at me I felt antsy so I got up and went to check up on things. I stopped by the open bar and got a glass of wine. I never drink when I am working, but tonight was special circumstances and my part was basically finished anyway, so I broke my own rule.

Martha found me and gave me a huge hug. She told me how perfect the evening was and how she hoped we could work together again soon. I told her to call me with plenty of notice and I would see what I could do. She added that I would be the first one she would call, if I ever moved back home.

When the band was finished and the last of the guests were leaving, I went back to the stage. Min had taken off his jacket and tie and was rolling up his sleeves. He looked so hot with his black hair falling over his face and his forearms exposed. How can something so simple be so sexy? I watched as they packed up their equipment and moved everything to load into the cars. He saw me watching and winked like he knew exactly what I was thinking.

They had to stop off at the school to drop the equipment. On the drive there, he didn't mention what had happened earlier and neither did I. When we got back to his house, We changed clothes and went to wash up. After our faces were clean, he took me in his arms and said, "remember your promise."

"My promise?"

"You promised you wouldn't run away," he smiled sweetly and cocked his head to the side. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I am not running away, I just to get my bearings and sort through all this..." I moved my hands around my head. "I can tell you that I am crazy about you. I know that for sure." I gave him a quick peck and patted his cheek.

"That gives me hope." He kissed me on the forehead and led me to the bed. We made love and then snuggled, watching TV in bed for a while until we fell asleep.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was his face. He was propped on his elbow, just looking at me. The sunlight played on his black hair and shoulder, making him glow. He looked like a beautiful otherworldly being. My first thought wasn't really a thought, more of a feeling. Happiness. I felt happiness. I stretched and then rolled over to face him. With a smile, I said, "I could get used to this. Being with you makes me happy."

His smile grew and he leaned in to kiss me. "Let's spend the day right here. We'll order food and they can deliver it to the bed for us. We won't have to get dressed or anything." He grinned and I seriously considered his suggestion.

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