9 - About Last Night (NSFW)

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I awoke to find an arm and a leg stretched across me. My first thought was to move Connor off of me so I could cool down. I had gotten used to waking up with him snuggled in with me. I turned my head and slowly opened my eyes only to see that it wasn't Connor. I startled and sat up, the previous night flooding back into my mind.

Instinctively, I raised the sheet to cover myself, but Minhyuk reached out and pulled it back down, exposing my breasts. He gave me a lazy smile and said, "there is no need to be shy now. You are beautiful." His voice was raspy from sleep and his hair a tousled mess. His lips were plump and pouty and he looked snuggly, warm, and sexy as hell. I laid back down beside him and relaxed.

He trailed his fingers down my chest and over the swell of my breast, watching me come alive at his touch. The first rays of the morning sun were creeping in through the blinds, casting its warmth in abstract shapes across the bed. I was no longer disoriented and was right where I wanted to be. I smiled back and said, "good morning, lover." I laughed softly and turned onto my side to face him. I had always wanted to say that.

His hand was warm on my porcelain skin as he held it against the curve of my hip, pulling me closer. He rested his head on my shoulder and began tracing tiny circles on my thigh. "Thank you," he said softly as he looked up from his invisible artwork.

"For what? From what I remember, we shared the work last night." Memories of our encounter caused my body to heat up. He grinned.

"For not making me leave last night. I would have, if that is what you had wanted, but I've been thinking about you since the moment you appeared in my doorway." I could feel my doubtful expression and quickly looked away.

"You don't have to play me, Minhyuk." I tried not to sound irritated. It really bothered me when guys tried to pull at my emotions to get in my bed. It worked the very first time, but I learned my lesson then. I hadn't thought him to be that type of guy. He propped up on his elbow and looked at me with a serious expression. He put a finger under my chin and turned my head to look at him.

"I am not playing you. I would never do that. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I really don't need to do that," he said the last part in a way that softened the statement. He had a valid point. He was gorgeous. And I had felt the envious glares from the other women last night. He continued, "that day... the day we met... when I looked up and saw you there," he paused, "there was light radiating from around you. I thought you were an angel. Then when you came into the light, I knew for sure that you are."

Had those words come from another man, I would have called bullshit. But they reached inside my heart and grabbed hold. I didn't have any words to respond to that, so I kissed him instead. I poured every emotion I was feeling into that kiss, and he matched it tenfold.

Last night had been full of reckless and urgent need, but the morning welcomed slow and passionate lovemaking. I felt like he touched a place inside me that had never been touched. Both physically and emotionally. I felt content. I had never felt contentment before. I had felt happy. I had felt satiated. But never content.

As we lay wrapped in each other's arms, he said softly, "I have an overwhelming urge to ask you not to go. I know you have to, and I understood the terms without us even discussing it. But I want you to stay here with me." He stroked my hair as he spoke. Something deep inside me reacted to his words. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was new.

"I've been laying here trying to figure out how I can stay longer," I confessed.

"This is good. I like this very much." He smiled at my confession. "Maybe when you are in town next time we can do it again?" his smile turned sexy.

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