28 - Coming Home Again (NSFW)

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I taped up the last box and sat back against the wall with a loud sigh. I held my beer up and Heidi clinked hers against it. That was it. The only stuff not packed up was the stuff in my suitcases. The guys were outside, supervising the moving truck getting loaded.

The furniture was gone. All that was left were a few boxes. All my dishes, my microwave, blender, various random kitchen accessories... all gone. I only kept the ones that were special heirlooms and gifts from Mom. Those were all carefully wrapped and packed in a single box. I had tons of photographs of my family. Those filled 2 boxes. My clothes and shoes took up the most space in the truck. We ordered the smallest size we could get and added a car trailer.

They came back inside, followed by the movers. The last boxes from the living room got picked up and went into the truck. Min and Kyun held out their hands and helped me and Heidi up from the floor.

We did a last walk-through and closed up my suitcases. I made sure the movers had the address correct and all the info they needed. My stuff was secure in the truck and my car was on the trailer. We loaded all of our suitcases into the Uber and we all gave Heidi hugs and I told her I would see her soon. Kyun turned and winked at her as we got in the car. She smiled at him.

"Already?" I asked as we buckled up.

"Already what?" Kyun responded and looked at me from the rear view mirror.

"You just broke up with Anna. Are you ready for Heidi?"

He laughed. "I wasn't in love with Anna. She was fun... a distraction. I enjoyed it while it lasted, but it is done now. Heidi is really cute. She reminds me of you in a lot of ways. Besides, she won't even be in Atlanta until next summer. That's plenty of time."

I sighed and brushed my hair back out of my face. "Just be good to her. She's not your usual kind of playmate."

He winked at me and said, "that's why I like her." He put the car in drive and took us to the main office so I could turn in my key.

Minhyuk laughed and took my hand, "it is sweet of you to watch out for our friend. But I trust him to behave himself."

"Oh I trust him. I would not be so calm if I didn't."

"Let's go get something to eat before we head to the airport. We are ahead of schedule."

Once we boarded, we found our seats. There were 3 on the row. I ended up in the middle, Min on the window, and Kyun on the aisle. I was perfectly happy between my men. As much as I had flown, I still got nervous each and every time. The guys both held my hands during take off and that made it a million times better.

They kept me occupied during the flight. Kyun played some new music he was working on, Min told me stories of his childhood, we played games, and Min and I talked about where to go on our honeymoon.

"We can go anywhere you want, Cheonsa."

"That does not help me narrow it down, Min. We should go somewhere we both want to go."

Just then I had a brilliant idea. "How about Korea?" I asked excitedly.

His face lit up, "really? You want to go to Korea for our honeymoon?"

"Why not? You haven't been home for a couple of years, and I haven't been there since I was a kid. Dad's parents passed away a couple of years after that and he hasn't gone back since."

"My parents really do want to meet you. We could have the Pyeback ceremony. I was a little fuzzy on Korean wedding traditions so I asked him to explain.

"It is a ceremony only for family and usually happens after the wedding. You would present jujubes or chestnuts to my parents. The symbolize fertility or children. It is a traditional ceremony," he explained with a sweet smile.

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