2 - Old Friends

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I am trying to fix the formatting, please bear with me! 💕

Bleary-eyed, I scowled at the men across the table from me. I hadn't binged like that in a very long time. I was out of practice. Mom sat a bowl of Korean hangover soup in front of me. Loudly. On purpose. I knew it was on purpose because she giggled when she did it. I winced in pain.

Changkyun and Honey looked fine and they thanked Mom for the soup as they dug in. How were they this chipper after last night? I mumbled something unpleasant and dipped my spoon into the delicacy before me. The scalding hot liquid quivered on my spoon and I blew hesitantly on it as my stomach protested the idea of food of any kind. I closed my eyes and let the soup slide down my throat. It was hot, but delicious. I felt it begin to coat my insides and took another spoonful.

Halfway into the bowl I finally began to feel more human. I had already drunk what felt like was a gallon of water, but I turned to get more. Mom appeared and motioned for me to stay seated. She refilled my glass and stroked my head. I had missed her so much.

Kyun looked at me from the other side of the table and cocked his head slightly. He asked, "where is my Merida?" He used the nickname he had given me in college. My hair was brighter red and curly then.

"What do you mean? I am right here."

"No, Hannah is here. You left Merida somewhere."

"I wear my hair straight now. It is more professional."

"It makes you look older. And more serious. I miss my wild-haired Irish girl."

"She is still in here. She just has a career now. And straight hair," I deadpanned my response. I wasn't in the mood for his shenanigans.

"Eomma, what happened to our girl?" he complained to mom.

"I think she grew up without us, Kyunnie."

He looked back at me with narrowed eyes, "I don't like it." He looked me straight in the eyes as he said it, then took another spoon of soup. We were in a staring contest now. I knew the stakes. If I broke eye contact, I had to let my hair go curly. If he lost, I kept it straight. It was a game we had started playing years ago. The consequences could be disturbing or hilarious, depending on how drunk we were.

Connor came bounding into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist, saying good morning. Hard as I tried not too, I broke eye contact. Kyun raised his arms triumphantly. "Winner!"

"Not fair! I call interference!" I protested.

"You know the rules. Interference has to involve blue lights and sirens, or blood."

My shoulders dropped. "Fine. But only when I am around you." Connor climbed into the chair beside me and mom sat his breakfast in front of him. He got pancakes. I wrinkled my nose at him. He grinned.

"Like at band practice today at 4?"

"Fine. Today," I grumbled. Honey was minding his own business, snickering into his soup. "What's your problem?" I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Yah! That hurt! I was not doing anything. Why are you being mean to me?" he pouted. Mom came to comfort him.

"Hannah, don't hurt my son. He didn't deserve it," she pulled his head to her abdomen and stroked his hair while sticking her tongue out at me. He closed his eyes and pushed into it, content. Mom had claimed the pair as her sons.

"I am your daughter. Your actual daughter. I've not been home in 2 years," I pointed my spoon at the men. "You just love them more," I shook my head and sighed heavily. Anyone observing this interaction without context would assume there was something going on. In reality, it was just my prankster mother messing with us all.

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