3 - New Friends

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     I spent the next week just relaxing and playing with mom. We went shopping, we got mani pedis, went to the Korean spa, visited Clara every day, and just enjoyed spending time together.

     I went to see the guys a couple of times too. Kyun convinced me to go to the gym with them one afternoon. It was fun working out with 6 trainers. Minhyuk came along, but he did his own thing. It was clear he wasn't a regular. I had to force myself not to watch him. At times, he would be silly and I had to watch him. He made me laugh. A lot. It was hard not to be drawn to him.

     I was very confused by the way he acted. At times I thought he was sneaking glances and sometimes he was distant and just polite. I was not usually forward when it came to men, but I was not shy either. I was about to flirt with him to gage his reaction, but then I remembered Connor. It was like a light-bulb moment. That must be why he was acting the way he was. He was trying to be professional since my nephew was going to be in his class. It would probably be awkward for him, and for Connor if the other kids knew.

     I respected him for that. I resigned myself to just looking and enjoying the view. Besides, I was going back to LA soon. No need to start something. And speaking of the view, as I was sneaking glances, I happened to catch him lift his shirt to wipe his face. He was toned and had a very nicely defined set of abs. They disappeared into his shorts with a faint 'happy trail'. I found myself wishing the shorts to fall. Kyun called my name and pulled me back from my fantasy. He winked at me. I knew that he knew what was going through my head. I felt my cheeks flush.

     The guys led me to a private room which looked like it was for classes. They put a K-pop music video up on the giant screen. It was obvious they knew the choreography when they started following the moves. Shownu and Hyungwon came to teach me the dance. They worked with me for a few minutes and then I got the hang of it. At least enough to enjoy myself. It reminded me of Zumba, only much more fun.

     After our workout, we went to get smoothies. We talked and laughed for over an hour. Minhyuk and I really hit it off. I kept the barrier up though. I wanted to respect his boundaries. But that didn't make me like him any less. He was magnetic. His personality was dynamic, and I just wanted to be close to him. And his smile. Oh my, his smile lit up the room.

     He mentioned a school open house that was happening the next week and asked me to bring Connor. He said we could meet all the other teachers and staff and get the full tour of the campus. He promised it would be fun. I told him we would be there. I felt a little giddy, even though it wasn't a date. He had not asked me on a date. I had to remind myself of that a few times.

     I don't typically get flustered easily. I can handle pressure, last minute changes, and sudden disasters when I am doing an event. I take them all in stride. I step back, examine the situation, and make a decision to stop to or adjust accordingly. This is how I have been able to be successful in my business. But this man had me flustered. Just the simple act of him inviting me to a school open house had butterflies all up in my tummy.

     Kyun said, "ah hyung! I forgot about that! I told Dean Whitlock that I would help out. I am glad you reminded me." In private, they reverted back to honorifics, but in public they adopted American customs and manners. I thought it was cute how they interacted.

     "So you will be there when Connor comes? He will love that," I squeezed his hand on the table. Kyun turned his hand over and held mine. I noticed Minhyuk's quick glance away.

     "I will love that too. That is one special boy." He turned to Minhyuk and added, "you will love having him in your class. He is incredibly smart and you guys will have a lot in common too." He grinned.

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