27 - Everything Changes

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On the flight back to LA I made a list of all the things I needed to take care of. I didn't want to bring my furniture back to Atlanta, so I needed to figure out whether to sell or donate it. I wasn't sure about my car. It was pretty new, but it might be too expensive to have it transported. I certainly didn't want to drive it back.

The hardest part was going to be telling Heidi. I worked on how I would break it to her. She had been amazing the past few months and I could not have gotten through without her. And now I was about to basically fire her. How was that fair? I was really not looking forward to it.

I was also thinking about how Min had to propose twice for it to take. I looked at the ring on my finger. The light through the plane window glinted off of the diamonds and the sparkle was almost blinding. I thought about how he had been ready with the ring and wondered when he had bought it. I felt like the first proposal was spontaneous, but he was ready the next time. Considering we broke up right after he asked the first time, he must have really believed we would get back together.

I texted him when I landed. I called an Uber and collected my luggage. I stepped outside and the smog hit me in the face, almost literally. I realized how much I hated LA. I felt relieved to be moving back home.

I called Min and we talked while I waited for my Uber. We had already started talking about wedding plans. He suggested we have it at the new venue once it was ready. If they were on track, June would be the target. June bride? I was OK with that. Plus, it would give the crews a hard deadline. It would also launch the business.

I told Dad and he loved the idea. Mom was already dress shopping, but I didn't know my colors yet. It was still very early. It felt odd planning something for myself. I understood a little better the indecisiveness of some of the brides I had worked with in the past.

But more pressing than the wedding plans, was the current business and dealing with closing up. I dreaded the conversation I was going to have with Heidi the next day. I had to give her plenty of time and leeway to interview and look for other employment. I wanted to get her a gift to show how much I appreciated how she had taken care of everything, including me, since she had come to work for me. No gift seemed enough for her.

I picked up coffee and fresh pastries from the bakery near my apartment and took them in with me. Heidi hugged me when I came in and was genuinely happy to see me. She caught me up on all the business, then she wanted to know about the wedding and my trip. I gave her the rundown of the wedding and party.

"The trip was actually really good."

"You look a million times better than when you left. I guess things have worked out between you too?"

"You could say that, yes. We are getting married!" I couldn't help but be excited. We jumped up and down and I showed her the ring.

"Hannah, that is simply stunning! He didn't just pick this up at the jewelry store. He had to have this made." I hadn't thought about that. I would need to ask him.

"He definitely surprised me. And I surprised myself by not even hesitating."

"That is unlike you. I am so happy for you. You were beyond miserable without him." She smiled.

"So with that out of the way, that leaves the next order of business." I took a deep breath and started to speak, but she did it first.

"You are moving back... closing the business?"

I nodded, "yes. I am so sorry, Heidi.

She continued with a grin, "I figured as much when I saw that rock on your finger." I knew she was trying to lighten the mood, but I was feeling major guilt.

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