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ICT Policies and Safety Issues



ICT Policies and Safety Issues: Implications to Teaching and Learning

by vjheyangv

Technology is everywhere around us. In today's modern world we the human kind depends on it. Everything that we have are products of technology. The different gadgets that we can use for communication, the transportations, the things that helps us and made our life easier such as the computers, keyboards, mouse and so on and so forth.

Globalization is a reality and ICT has become a fundamental part of the process. A networked society is one in which the entire planet is organized around telecommunicated networks of computers. The powerful use of network has broken boundaries, provided opportunities for inclusion and collaboration. We cannot erase the fact that technology was one of the major tool used in teaching today. Everyone knows about the ICT and it is internationally spreading worldwide.

During this pandemic one of the tool that teachers used to continue the educate the children is the use of the ICT and with this we are able to know on how to use the technology and the ICT very well to the point that we shouldn't abuse or misused it because it may lead to risk and any other issues. New technologies have become central to the lives of every individual in this het. Whether you are talking on the phone, sending an electronic mail, going to ne bank, using the library, watching news on television, going to the doctor, catching flight, or seeing a movie, you are using ICT. Almost everything that we do in the modern world is influenced by the new technologies. So the one way of enhancing and regulating the use of ICT is to formulate and implement policies to guide appropriate decisions. Wherein the ICT policy is a course of action, adopted and pursued by a government, party, ruler, statesman. It is any course of action adopted as expedient or advantageous. Its operational definition of policy is a plan of action to guide decisions and achieve outcomes.

The Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) has formulated a roadmap to guide all agencies in the utilization, regulation and enhancement of ICT. Each project has corresponding policy statements and guidelines. There are new ICT technologies that was being use today and the first one is the Information Technology this Information Technology includes the use of computers and other gadgets that can help humans. It becomes the indispensable in modern societies to process data and save time and effort. This was all about the software and for the user, computer literacy. On the other hand, is the Telecommunication technologies wherein it refers to distance communications, such as radio, telephone, television, satellite, microwave, data communication, and computer networking. In the 21st century, it is essential to the conduct of most elections. The last one is the Network Technology involves the use of data systems to manage and deliver digital resources over a computer network. A variety of industries use computer hardware and system software that maintains a network, creating a need for specialists to manage them.

Due to the progressing economy we cannot evict the fact that technology is rapidly increasing too but many of the humans don't know the about the safety issues that ICT may bring into us. Some don't follow the rule and they are just copying and pasting that may include to the act plagiarism. Some don't even read the data's and they were just inputting their passwords that may lead to account hacking and any types of bugs or malware that can be found online or with the site that they are clicking. The first issue is the Freedom of Expression and Censorship wherein it tackles about the international human rights conventions; all people are guaranteed the rights for free expression. The second issue that we can encounter is the Privacy and Security like what I have said earlier that there are sites that are used by the hackers to hack accounts. It is when someone uses a site and clicks "I agree" button, it is as if you have turned over private information to any authority that may access it. The third one is the Surveillance and Data Retention the use of electronic communications has enhanced the development of indirect surveillance. The fourth issue is the E-pollutants from E-waste wherein many of the technologies are being rejected because of the new one that can lead to e-ways and many people doesn't think about it. They just buy and buy and throw it afterwards when there are new gadgets again. The accumulated e-waste is due to rapid turnover of equipment due to rapid improvement of software

Now let us see the implication of ICT to the teaching. As the technology progress the teaching of the teachers is progressing too. Because as we can notice in the past year's teachers are using manila paper to present the lesson, they are writing in the blackboard using chalks. But today we had the white boards and markers that made the teaching easier. Teacher nowadays are using computer to create power point presentations and they are being able to download videos that can be use during the lecture. So we can clearly see on ow technology helps the teachers to teach their students more effectively in easier way. On the part of the learners they can be able to expand their knowledge by searching ideas on the internet and it will also help them to create their projects and assignment with the help of the technologies. Here and there we can clearly see on how ICT improve our way of studying. It helps us to widen our knowledge and it let us explore into the world that full of data's that we can use in teaching and learning. It improves the effectiveness of education. It aids literacy movements. It enhances scope

But aside from those positive impacts we cannot erase the fact that there are times that it becomes the problem due to the improper use of it and due to the over usage. Many of the youth today use the technology in playing mobile games that leads them to become unfocused on their studies and it's true that technology made some youth as lazy. Learners should not take advantage to the technology. Because of the misuse of the ICT there are rules that are being violated. Like copying information into assignment and failing to acknowledge source (plagiarism and copyright infringement). Downloading materials not relevant to their studies. Leaving a mobile phone turned on during class period wherein it is not allowed because the use of mobile phones inside the classroom while the teacher is discussing isn't allowed. The e-safety takes care not only of internet technologies but also of electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. E-safety helps safeguard children and young people in the digital world. e-safety educates children about the risks as well as the benefits so we can feel confident online; and e-safety supports young learners and adults to develop safer online behaviors, both in and out of school.of education by facilitating mobile learningand inclusive education. It facilitates research andscholarly communication.

We should be responsible enough in the usage of the ICT. We should know the policies for us not to be in risk. Let us try to balance the usage of the ICT for our betterment. Because technologies are in our blood and it's all around us but we must be responsible enough to use them for our own safety also. Without the technology we are not be able to progress. Everything happens with brain that think about the development of technology. Humanity will not have n easier life if technology doesn't exist. One example is the communication. Technology helps us to connect or to communicate with the other people around the world. We can talk to each other with the use of the gadgets even we are faraway with each other. We gather information about what's happening around us and we get updates. With the help of technology, they would be able to find out more things that we can use to improve our lives and our community.

Technology is around us it's all over the world. It was built for us to have a better life. Maybe one day we will be filled with techno sphere. But we must bear in mind that we must not just rely on it because we might lose the track and things that really matter.

VJHEYANGV L I T E R A T U R E S 💜✨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon