Personal Essay

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My Life Experience

Experience is that kind of stuff which every human be gain since be born. There are two kind of experience which is bad and good. Therefore, about experience everyone can talk and talk and never finish talking. In the other hand almost every day of everyone life is experience. In my whole life I have gained and still make new experiences. I learnt how important is to listen other people and how to make a difficult decision. Also I learnt to start new life once again.
When my aunt passed away I felt like I lose my best companion whenever my mother scold me. That time I cannot accept the fact that she is already dead. It really broke my heart into pieces. I cried and cried and prayed to God.  When my mother went to Lebanon I was living with my grandmother. I experienced to be beaten up with broom by my grandmother because at those times she was so very strict and me I was playful. I worked in the house at the early age of 5 I wash dishes and wash the big clothes of my father. It was really hard to live without the one who gave birth to you but I was practice not to have her in my side. I learned to be alone and I also study alone. Those things made me a stronger person. In our school I only had few friends and my other classmates bullied me. They called me “kiday” because one of my eyebrow was thin and the other one was okay. I didn’t pay attention to them even they talked behind my back. I am just making my faith and confidence stronger to face all the problems that may came into my life for the succeeding years. 
My mother came back from and she didn’t go back anymore in abroad. At first I don’t feel happy but when I saw her I conclude that I misses her too. As the days goes by her attitude was not good anymore. She was always mad on us even though we are working so hard. It really disappointed me so much. We don’t stop working in our house we just keep cleaning, cooking washing and many more. We don’t even sleep after lunch due to enormous work that our mother gave to us. Our grandparents feel pity to us but they could do nothing because our mother gets angry to them when they tell her that we should also rest. Sometimes I can’t resist any more that’s why I raised my voice to her.
Every night before I sleep I was crying praying that someday her attitude and the way she talked will change. I am also wishing sometimes that I would like to die because I am so very tired for this kind of life. I also thought that I am alone and my parents doesn’t care and love me. My life was useless and my efforts are worthless. The pain resides inside my heart can’t be vanished. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. This kind of life that I had was so really sad.
Besides of the sadness that I feel in my heart there is someone who opened my eyes and let me see the truth. He introduces me Jehovah God. With those things I was relieved knowing that I am not alone because Jehovah is with me guiding and caring me no matter what I do. I started to have a Bible Study with Jehovah’s Witnesses and I am so happy that I knew them. Because of them I don’t feel alone and they are my true friends. I am wishing someday I would serve Jehovah God without any hindrance in my life and in my path. I want to build my future with Jehovah and dedicate my life to Him.  Maybe not now but soon. Soon when the time that I was free to choose for what I’d like and what I’d like is to follow the path that leads to the life that will never end. 
All of that are days of my life that were experience for me. During my life until today I learnt much stuff that maybe some people never had. My life experiences were seriously. Some of them thought me how to live and forgot about something and some of them thought how to make my faith stronger. It is true that no people in this world can predict to what heights you can soar even you will not know until you spread your wings. Let us all face the problems that may came in our life without doubt and worries for Jehovah said that “Don’t be anxious for I am your God” Isaiah 41:10.

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