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A short feature

Many things happened in our life that are least anticipated. With the love and care the peoples heart are softened.There are many blessings that we’ve been received from our God and we look above and praise Him in glorious words. But some people may just leave the circumstances and daily happening to destiny and they just keep everything for themselves. But what if one day the joyfulness that you feel suddenly turn into a problem? What will you do?
Many compliments and supplications in life and nobody can answer it. Nobody can enlighten your mind. Nobody can answer the question that resides in your heart. Did you ever think on how the truth became a lie and how can a lie became a lie?
But what will you do if someday someone will come in your way and by his explanation you were enlighten. Will you ever believe him or you will just ignore him? What will you do if you found out the answers that you are looking for longingly?
The truth was now in front of you will you ever let it go? The truth was always around you but all you need to do is to open up your eyes and observe, think analyze and conclude. The unanswered query will be answered someday.

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