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"About that, I have an indication," said Riccardo.

"Then spill!" Pierro screamed.

"Remember, the necklace she has on her?
Well, If you noticed the necklace has this vibrant neon green light that reflects off during the night, though the color of the necklace is pure white, It has this radiant light."  Riccardo Explained.

"Okay, And? What are you trying to prove?"
Questioned Alessandro.

"See, Usually if necklaces have this light reflecting from it, Basically the neon light of green pigmentation it sometimes might indicate that it has a hidden tracker or whatsoever," Riccardo answered.

"Okay, But even if it was there how are we supposed to know who is controlling the tracker.?" raised a question, Marcello.

Gabrielle added by saying, "Moreover, For all, we know Arielle could have put the necklace on her, so most probably that's how she might know if her daughter would have gone somewhere.  And maybe that's how she got to know about where she is and took her away."

"You know what, Imma just try and hack into everything I find. Be right back." Said, Nicolo as he got up from his seat and made his way to his room.

"I will take my leave as well," said Carlo.

Graceia's POV :

It's been almost a whole day, Yet my brothers, my father, No one's here.
I lie there down, My body aching, Burns everywhere, and tears dried up.

Maybe they won't come, Afterall I tried to betray them at the end of the day by working for someone else against them.

The time when Marcello and Frederico told me to pack my stuff and leave, that's when I found out my mother was still alive.

I went past their tight security somehow, how I wished to have been stopped by one of the security guards, How I wished they could have at least seen my disappearing body from there, But no, I had to be this weak and not bold! It was all my fault.

When I finally reached a certain distance from my home, I felt a hand snake around my mouth, I gasped in shock and terrified, thinking someone is going to kidnap me.

But the person I saw was more than shocked, It was my mother right in front of me.
How!? That was what I pondered, There's no way! She died right in front of me, I saw her there hanging in her blood pool.

A lot of questions were raised in my mind, and that's when she removed her hand from my mouth From what I remember, I quote "Honey, I never died" "Your brothers, they are weaklings." "They were shivering to just kill me, So instead they thought it was a great idea to hang me."  "You better do the job, You better get the key or it won't be good for your whole family." "I have my eye on you."

She happens to have good breathing capacity, and also how can I forget that she said she used to act in her youth? 

But how is it possible she survived...There's no way... No way! 

"Who's ready for some extra torture?"

"No, No, please don't! I swear, if you let me go I will get you the key!"

"Aw, Honey don't be like this. Come on be a good girl and just handle this," Arielle said, I despise calling her mom now.

"Sweetheart, Come in" she called out for Gianni.

"What should I punish her for now?"
She asked for a judgment.

"I do have a punishment idea, darling."
Gianni says as he whispers to Arielle.

"Do as you wish!" she walked out.

Oh no, Why is she leaving.!

My breathing got heavy, I feel like dying right now. Why does he have an injection in his hand, no no!  I feel like I having a seizure...

As he tried to take a grip on me, The door unlocks.

Revealing an identifiable figure.

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