Chapter Three: Broken World

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Going to worship the Bodhisattva when the crisis and change are about to come, this kind of behavior seems to be a bit of a desperate need to go to the doctor.

However, Qingchen felt that the supernatural phenomenon on the arm itself should be left to the supernatural existence.

For Qingchen, it's not a disadvantage to pay his respects.

He likes to make preparations ahead and not give himself the chance to regret it.

The time is 9:30 pm.

Qingchen sat on the bed and looked down at his mobile phone. There was only this faint light in the bedroom, and there were only a few words from Nan Gengchen, who was at the same table, in WeChat, and no one else sent him a message.

Her mother Zhang Wanfang's WeChat profile picture was quiet and quiet, which made Qingchen feel a little disappointed.

Of course, it's only a trace.

He didn't even know what he was expecting.

In fact, he did not blame his mother.

His father sold many properties in the family by gambling, as well as domestic violence and cheating. Qingchen didn't think there was anything wrong with his mother taking the initiative to divorce.

On the contrary, Qingchen, who had seen his father beat his mother with his own eyes, was even happy for his mother's choice.

Because it is correct.

On the eve of the parents' divorce, my grandmother persuaded my mother not to divorce: "How can you get married as a woman with a teenage son as a fuel bottle?" Who will remarry you?

Hearing all this, Qingchen chose to live with his father when his parents divorced.

He remembered the stunned expressions of his parents at the time, but Qingchen knew that this was also the right choice.

Now that her mother has started a new life and formed a new happy family, Qingchen may be a little lost, but she is still very careful not to disturb her.

Countdown to 2:31:12.

Qingchen suddenly thought of a question, if this is the last two and a half hours of his life, what should he do?

This question is both serious and romantic.

Because it is asking you, what is the thing you most want to do in your life, but you have not had time to do or dare not do.

Unexpressed love, people who have met but haven't, places that you want to go but haven't, and things you want to say but don't say are all in the category of answers.

This question is straight to the heart.

Qingchen got up and put on his coat, but he chose to go out again when there was not much left in the countdown.

He pushed his broken bike out of the house, got on it, and galloped all the way to his destination.

The wind in the autumn night is a little cooler, and the pedestrians on the road are gradually sparse.

Qingchen, who was riding on the bicycle, had a calm expression, and the jacket was blown backward by the wind on the bridge.

He did have a lot of regrets in his life, and a lot of things he didn't dare to do.

But tonight he does not need cowardice and fear, only courage.

At a certain moment, Qingchen was thinking, if he really wants to die tonight, then he should finish the most important thing, he has no time.

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