-Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4: The Attack

Taeyong stirred in his bed as his phone rang. Today was his day off of work and he just wanted to appreciate his sleep time. His phone stopped ringing and he sighed with relief. Two minutes later the ringtone went off again. Taeyong huffed as he yanked his phone off the charger and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" his groggy voice answered.

"Taeyong, we need you to come in today, San called in sick. Apparently when he left yesterday a client spat in his face. The client must have been sick and gave it to San. So we need you to come in today," his boss rambled on about how Taeyong was the only one able to come in

"What time do I need to be there?" Taeyong asked, rubbing his eyes and checking the time. 8:42 am.

"Can you make it in 20 minutes?" the man in charge asked.

"Ya, i'll be there soon," Taeyong pulled his phone away from his ear. A faint 'thank you Taeyong' was heard before he hung up. Taeyong threw his phone across the room only for it to land in his laundry basket with a quiet thud.

Taeyong grabbed his duffle bag and set it on the kitchen island. He opened his bare fridge for something to eat. The old lady next door gave him some chocolate muffins when he came home early last night. Taeyong grabbed two of them since he skipped dinner. He ate one at his house and the other on his way to the bus stop. He told the driver his usual and he took the first seat and fell back asleep a moment later.

"Hey. Hey buddy, we're at your stop," The driver shook Taeyong awake. To his surprise, he was the only one on the bus.

"Thank you Mr. Kim," Taeyong said with a drowsy voice. A hand stopped Taeyong on the stairs.

"I know we don't know each other but if things don't get better, I can get you a job driving," Mr. Kim offered.

He was always a sweet old man. He knew why Taeyong did what he did without even talking to him. When Taeyong first started at the club, he was a lap dancer. One night, the client he was dancing for got too rough. The grip he had on him left bruises on his thighs, hips, and torso. Taeyong didn't bother changing that night when he rode the bus. He sobbed about what happened and Mr. Kim gave him a meal and a free ride back home. After that day. Mr. Kim never charged Taeyong bus fees and thankfully no passengers noticed this because he could be fired for it.

"Thank you Mr. Kim," Taeyong bowed to the older man and headed towards the club door.

There were even less clients today. One man was leaning on a booth attempting to flirt with Taemin in hopes to take him home after the shift. Many clients did that. Since there was a strict no sex policy at the club, clients would flirt with the staff so they could take them home or to some crappy motel room after shifts. Taeyong was always disgusted by it.

One time, as Taeyong was leaving through the back door to avoid the crowd, a man who reeked of whiskey blocked Taeyong's path from leaving. He pinned Taeyong to the wall and kissed all over his neck, pleading to let him take him to his lonely hotel room. Taeyong was defenseless. He kept trying to push the man away. The man grabbed his wrist and pinned it against the rough brick wall. He took Taeyong's other hand and pressed it against his obvious boner. Taeyong grimaced as he felt it twitch behind the jeans the man was wearing.

"Your dancing is the cause of this so you better help me with it," the man growled as he nibbled on Taeyong's ear.

Taeyong whimpered at the unpleasant touching. When the male unzipped his pants, Taeyong heard the back door fly open and slam against the wall. Before Taeyong could even blink, the man was on the alley ground while Matthew delivered him some well deserved punches to the face. Matthew looked over his shoulder and shouted at Taeyong to go home. That's exactly what he did. He ran out of the alley way as he heard the man groan from the punches he was receiving. Good thing he didn't black out that night.

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