-Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8 Dance 4 me

(slight smut warning. mostly kissing and grinding. no nakedness yet)

A warm sensation on Taeyong's neck made him giggle a little. The warmth kept moving around the same spot on his neck. When it went away, Taeyong whined a little. Until the warmth was right in front of his face, he wanted to lean forward and embrace it but something told him not to. So instead, he opened his eyes and saw Jaehyun, smirking, right in front of him.

"A-a-hh Jaehyun," Taeyong stuttered out of surprise.

"Such a good boy today," Jaehyun's cold fingers rubbed against the spot he just left on Taeyong's neck.

Taeyong slapped his hand away and stood up. He walked back into the room from the balcony. He stood in front of the mirror and whined.

"Why do you keep doing this," he pouted as Jaehyun chuckled.

"Why are you so upset? You seemed to really enjoy it," Jaehyun wrapped his hands around Taeyong's waist, making him blush and freeze.

"W-what are you doing?" he looked down at Jaehyun's arms.

"Did you forget?" he tucked his head into the crook of Taeyong's neck.

"Forget what?" his voice came out as a whisper.

"You owe me," Jaehyun whispered back, missing Taeyong's exposed shoulder.

"Um... so what would you like me to do?" Taeyong's voice shook.

"Why don't you go and find something pretty to wear and then dance for me?" Jaehyun kissed his neck. Taeyong didn't know why but his words sent butterflies in his stomach.

Taeyong pushed out of Jaehyun's arms and ran into the walk-in closet. He locked the door behind him and tried to catch his breath. His heart was rushing so fast and he blamed it on running.

While Taeyong searched for something to change into, Jaehyun sat himself on the bed. He growled a bit and ran his fingers through his hair in a stressed manor. He tugged on his locks a bit before slamming his hands down.

"Why is it like this?" he questioned silently. The knob of the closet door alerted him.

There he was. Fluffy pink hair in a black lace bralette and lingerie underwear. His shoulders were closed in on himself and he rubbed his arm in slight embarrassment. Jaehyun almost choked on his spit but decided to act cool. He started to roll up his work shirt sleeves.

"You can play music and start dancing wherever," Jaehyun turned to face the balcony, fighting the hard blush on his face.

Taeyong walked with a stutter and selected a warm up song. He started out with the only moves he could remember right now. A few struts and body rolls. The song switched to something sexier and Taeyong recognized the blackness clouding his vision.

Suddenly, he started to walk closer to Jaehyun. Remembering a few moves the lap dancers taught him, he started to grind hard on Jaehyun. Jaehyun had never seen his Bubu like this before and he couldn't tell if he should be scared or turned on. However his body turned on him, he reached out and gripped onto Bubu's hips and guided his movements elsewhere.

Groans and growls escaped them. Jaehyun couldn't hold back now. He lifted Taeyong's small body and pinned him to the bed. Taeyong reached up for his face and pulled him closer. They kissed and didn't stop. The kiss depended and Taeyong returned to his senses. He realized what was happening but he couldn't deny the fact he liked the feeling of the younger's lips on his.

He tried to pull Jaehyun in closer to take more of him in. Jaehyun pulled back and stared at the older. He pinched in between his brows and backed up a bit.

"Fuck," he growled. "I'm sorry Taeyong. We shouldn't be doing this yet," he said, firmly.

Taeyong was surprised that a mob boss wasn't ready to destroy his insides...not that he was looking forward to that. Taeyong scooted up behind Jaehyun. He lifted his hand up and hesitated a little but finally placed it on his back. He rubbed circles and tried his best to comfort Jaehyun.

"I can go change if you want me to," Taeyong whispered, his hand still on Jaehyun's back.

Jaehyun just nodded, head still buried in his hands. Taeyong closed the closet but didn't lock it this time. He searched for something comfortable to wear.

"What is taking you so long?" Jaehyun sounded slightly annoyed as he opened the door. Taeyong has just finished putting the shirt over his head.

"I-i'm sorry," Taeyong said as he headed for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Jaehyun grabbed his wrist before he could leave the room. He was still taken aback to see Taeyong in one of his old gray sweaters.

"I figured you didn't want me in here now so I was just going to go sleep in a guest bed or the couch," Taeyong hung his head low like a dog in trouble.

"Of course I want you here," Jaehyun lifted Taeyong's head with his chin in his hand. It was so gentle, Taeyong started to blush a little.

"Ya let's just lay down," Taeyong said with a hushed tone and looked away.

Jaehyun slid his hand from Taeyong's wrist into his hand and pulled him to the bed. Once they were both under the covers, Jaehyun shifted a little closer and wrapped his arms around Taeyong.

"Is this ok?" he asked. Taeyong just nodded and curled up closer.


also holy mother's day 💐

kill 4 me // jaeyongUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum