-Chapter 10-

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Chapter 10: Shots fired

The sound of a gunshot woke Taeyong up. He threw the blanket and sat up with panic and fear. He swiped his arms across the bed, Jaehyun wasn't there. Taeyong felt scared, he didn't hear or see anyone. He walked closer to the door and heard yelling, glass breaking, and a few more gunshots.

Something in him made him bolt out the door down the winding staircase. There, in the entrance to the mansion, was Jisung laying on the floor. Broken sobs and screams left his mouth as he squeezed his leg.

"Please don't!" Taeyong suddenly shouted and ran to Jisung. He covered Jisung's body with his own like a shield.

"Taeyong, it's not safe out here! Go back to the room before they find you," Jisung pleaded with hot tears trailing his face.

"I can't leave you here!" Taeyong cried back.

Taeyong wrapped the boy's arm over his shoulders and placed his own arm around his waist. He lifted Jisung off the ground and helped him limp to the stairs. They only made it about three steps before they heard the click of a gun. Jisung froze and Taeyong's face paled.

"One more step and I shoot," an unfamiliar voice said.

"Ok I won't move," his voice shook. Jisung nudged his side a little and nodded to the fourth step in front of them. When he looked down, it was another gun.

"That one's mine. It's already locked and loaded, just pull the trigger," he whispered to Taeyong, groaning a bit at the pain in his leg.

Taeyong's hands trembled a bit. He made a fast motion for the gun and dropped Jisung. He turned around and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt the ripples of the recoil as he pulled the trigger. When he went to open his eyes, his vision was still dark.


Taeyong felt like he had been blacked out for an eternity. He was now wrapped in a big blanket, sitting on one of the benches in the hallway. He was covered in blood that wasn't his own. He didn't know what happened or how he got here. Jaehyun stood across from him, arms crossed and leaning on the wall.

"Did you even see what happened?" Jaehyun whispered to Kun.

Kun sighed before responding, turning away from Taeyong so he couldn't hear him. "I'm not totally sure, Sir. When I entered the entrance to search for more goons, there were five of them lying one the floor dead. Sir..." Kun looked up at him with concerned eyes.

"Just spit it out," Jaehyun growled a bit.

"Their faces had been beaten in with the gun, unrecognizable," Kun whispered lower. Jaehyun had to admit that he wasn't expecting this viciousness out of Taeyong. Believe it or not, it was still a little morbid for even him. He walked over to Taeyong and sat down next to him.

"Are you ok?" he asked, rubbing circles on his back.

"I'm not sure. Did I shoot that guy?" Taeyong asked with watery eyes. Jaehyun looked up at Kun. Kun just shook his head a bit and went into the room next to him.

"That doesn't matter right now," he answered.

"Oh my god! Is Jisung ok? He was bleeding a lot," Taeyong exclaimed, frantically standing up.

"Ya he's fine. I got my people taking care of him. He's a strong boy, not the first time he's been shot," Jaehyun chuckled a bit.

"That's not funny, Jaehyun. Jisung is just a kid," he pouted a bit.

"I understand that but his parents raised him for this," Jaehyun stood up as well and gently placed his hands on Taeyong's waist.

Taeyong blushed so hard that he could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks. Jaehyun pulled his body close to his own. One arm secured on his back and the other running through Taeyong's faded pink hair. Taeyong lifted his arms and wrapped them tight around Jaehyun. He felt safe like this, like nothing could ever harm anyone.

Jaehyun was confused with Taeyong but mostly himself. Something about Taeyong's duality was making him more attracted but also scared of him. He still didn't understand what was going on but it's like Taeyong has this other side to him, a sick and twisted side.

They had gone back to bed after checking up on Jisung. He told them he was ok and that it would heal quickly. Chenle ended up staying by his side the whole night, ready to get anything Jisung asked for. Taeyong fell asleep first, safe and warm on Jaehyun's chest. Jaehyun fell asleep maybe 20 minutes later, hand holding Taeyong's head close.

It was like a movie scene. Dismembered bodies and slashed skin covered the news and made headlines on papers. There was no lead on the killer's name so the pseudonym they gave him was 'The Revenge Killer'. No one on the case could figure anything out.

All the murders had been elaborately done. The bodies looked like it was a messy murder but the killer never left any evidence. Never caught on video, no witnesses, no fingerprints or slip ups. There was no pattern so all the victims were random. Every now and then, people online would comment 'thank you's' to the killer.

Thanking him for killing monsters. Monsters they claimed committed charges such as rape, sexual assault, blackmail, abusers, pedophillia, and other disgusting things. Victim's families would always deny the claims and the claimants never had enough proof.

These murders lasted for a few years until it eventually just stopped. Some theories surfaced about the killer. He moved, he was murdered, he killed himself, or he was hiding. The press didn't really care and never made a big deal about all the unfinished cases, so they decided to close them.

However, obssesed fans of the killer started to blow up the internet when a murder took place sometime almost 2 years ago. An old drunk bastard who was murdered in his apartment. He had been tied down to his bed, penis cut off and stuck in his mouth. Then he bled to death with a slit across his throat. The only thing the investigators found was a letter. 'Next time use your mouth for the right head'.

His landlord knew he hired a lot of sex workers and often spent his rent money on clubs and alcohol. The police suspected it was some prostitute he struggled with and closed the case. Since then, no other incidents have occurred.

Taeyong woke up in a cold sweat. He had a weird dream where he was writing about some killer from his hometown. He didn't remember that much from home but he did remember a few news articles over the subject. He shrugged it off and went to check on Jisung and Chenle.

sorry for the late update. yesterday was a little hectic

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