-Chapter 6-

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Chapter 6: Night 1

Jaehyun had left the table first saying Taeyong couldn't leave until he finished another roll. After he did eat the roll, Jisung escorted him back to the room.

"Master Jung will be back shortly. Until then, there are pajamas on the bed for you. Have a goodnight Taeyong," Jisung bowed and walked down the hallway.

Taeyong looked into the empty room. There was a pair of light purple, silk pajamas with his initials stitched into the breast pocket. In a weird way, it made his heart thump.

He had changed into the pajamas and washed his face in the room's personal bathroom. He sat back on the bed with his legs crossed and clutching a pillow between his arms. He had thought to himself of crime stories he heard like this. Where the person who was kidnapped developed a thing called Stockholm Syndrome. He feared he would do the same. Then another thought intruded. What if it wasn't Stockholm Syndrome but actual love? Was it possible for people like them to be together like the couples you see on the street? Taeyong's mind ran wild. The thoughts were making his eyelids heavy and he was on the edge of sleep, tripping on daydreams.

"Wake up Taeyong," a voice said.

Taeyong groaned a little before rubbing his eyes open. Only the bedside lamp was on and the moon shone through the balcony doors. The smell of smoke intruded his nose but it was mixed with the scent of something else...or someone else. He fixed his eyes on the silhouette in front of him. It was Jaehyun.

"Well hello there sleeping beauty," he gave the older a lazy smile. "Why don't you lay on my chest while I explain it all to you," Jaehyun patted his chest as he laid next to Taeyong.

"Ok," Taeyong mumbled as he shifted his placement.

"You are here because I chose you to be," Jaehyun started. Taeyong could feel his voice rumble through his chest.

"You are originally here to be my personal stripper-" Taeyong cut him off with a loud shriek. Jaehyun just put his head back and continued. "-but maybe over time you can be more. As for what happened when you got here. It's about that Kai person you used to work with."

"Is he ok?" Taeyong looked into Jaehyun's eyes with worry.

"Because of you all he has is a broken nose," Jaehyun huffed. He was agitated that he couldn't kill that nosy rat. "All of your friends are staying in my rooms downstairs. The bartender... Matthew I believe it was, is going to be my personal bartender now. They have more limited freedom than you. They can only eat and be let out when I allow them to be. I might give them jobs here and there depending on their loyalty. You, however, are allowed to roam around as long as someone has an eye on you and you can help yourself to all my belongings. You will mostly be with me though," Jaehyun concluded.

"How long will I be here?" Taeyong bit his lip in thought.

"Until I get tired of you," Jaehyun moved the arm he had under his head, to wrap around Taeyong's slender back.

The contact sent chills through his body. He followed his gut feeling and placed his hand upon the younger's chest. Jaehyun made a sound like a sigh of happiness.

"I'll show you what you'll be doing tomorrow but for now, just rest those pretty eyes of yours," Jaehyun placed a kiss on Taeyong's forehead.

btw this book is like 24? i think chapters long. just as a heads up :)

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