-Chapter 19-

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Chapter 19

An alarm rang through the once quiet bedroom. A warm breeze swept through the balcony window, ruffling their hair. Taeyong groaned, still feeling tired from the night before. Jaehyun pulled him in closer.

"I wish we didn't have to get up but it's important," Jaehyun groaned back.

It had been about two weeks since Taeyong killed that guy. Taeyong was glad that he and Jaehyun could be emotionally and intimately closer after that. But recently Jaehyun's been holed up in work, papers littered his desk.

"Let's get up then," Taeyong pouted.

"Make sure to dress formally. It's a business meeting and you're coming with me," Jaehyun said, sitting up to stretch.

Another thing that came with the death was Jaehyun becoming more prominent in his dad's city business. Apparently the man had run the business after Mr. Jung but now it's been given back to its rightful heir. But it's also keeping them out of gang activity. Deep down they miss it but in all honesty they know this is better for them.

Taeyong followed him into the closet to get ready. Jaehyun sent a text to Kun asking him to get some breakfast and coffee made for everyone.

Jaehyun wore a coffee colored button up tucked into black suit pants. Taeyong wore a dark navy blue button up tucked into black suit pants as well. Jaehyun slicked back his hair and called it good. Taeyong just brushed his and threw on a pair of thinly black rimmed glasses.

They walked down stairs to the dining room. Breakfast had been laid out on the table and Doyoung opened the door with a pot of coffee in his hand.

"Good morning," He greeted with a smile.

"Everyone else will be down in a moment," Kun said, trailing behind Doyoung with cups.

Taeyong doesn't deny the fact that he likes this change. Taeyong had begged Jaehyun to let everyone else participate in meals. He even got Jaehyun to let Felix use the kitchen whenever he wanted to make big batches of food for everyone.

Doyoung had even asked about making Felix his apprentice. Jaehyun said he'll watch his cooking and baking and maybe over time he'll allow it. Everyone seemed a lot happier and closer. Like a family almost.

Suddenly there was a loud bussly of talking and laughter. Jisung and Chele entered the room with Jeno and Jaemin a few feet behind them. A few minutes later Matthew joined the table.

Jaehyun had hired another person to help around where needed. He stood at the doorway not knowing where to sit. Taeyong stood up and dragged a chair next to his.

"Hey Renjun, come sit by me," Taeyong smiled and patted the seat.

Finally, everyone was seated and they all dug into the meal. Taeyong smiled as he ate, enjoying the sound of talking and laughter that filled the room. He remembered when it used to be so quiet and a little awkward. He enjoyed this more and so did the others.

After about an hour, Kun had walked Jaehyun and Taeyong to their car. They drove almost 2 hours to reach the building. They walked through the glass doors and Jaehyun showed his ID to the front desk.

From there, they had their own security escort them to the elevator and eventually to their meeting room. One of the security guards held the door open for them as they walked in.

Jaehyun stood at the head of the table and pointed to the second seat, signaling to Taeyong on where to sit. Kun stood near the door, just a few feet from Jaehyun.

Taeyong looked around at the other businessmen at the meeting. Most of them looked pretty old and balding. There were only two younger men, which Taeyong learned later were one of the old guy's sons.

Jaehyun cleared his throat, thus beginning the meeting. Taeyong had asked one of the people giving them drinks and snacks for a cup of coffee. He wasn't used to business meetings so listening to all the talking and presenting made him tired.

"I would also like to give one more announcement," Jaehyun said with a slight smile.

He directed his attention to Taeyong and everyone else's eyes followed.

"This is Lee Taeyong and he  will be my partner in this business and I'd like you all to respect him the way you respect me," Jaehyun announced, holding his hand out to Taeyong.

Suddenly Taeyong felt nervous. He took Jaehyun's hand and stood next to him, bowing to the table of men.

"And why should we allow this?" one of the older men piped up.

Taeyong could feel Jaehyun tense next to him. The look on his face seemed like he wanted to hit the man.

"Because this is my business and I'll do whatever I please. Plus he is my romantic partner," Jaehyun threw a kind smile towards the man.

Taeyong wanted to laugh when he saw the sons snickering at their father.

The meeting droned on, mostly about what direction the business will take for the future. Taeyong got a couple glances here and there. Jaehyun earned himself a few glares from the old man.

Taeyong reached over for his glass of water when his eyes crossed paths with one of the sons. They stared for a second until he winked at Taeyong. His body filled with a sense of uncomfortableness so he looked back at Jaehyun.

Throughout the rest of the meeting, he could feel his eyes boring holes into his body. Taeyong could just feel his stare, raking over his figure. Taeyong got distracted by the sudden clapping, signaling the end of the meeting.

Almost immediately, Taeyong stood up to stand next to Jaehyun. As the men walked out of the meeting room, they shook both of their hands. When it got to the son, he held Taeyong's hand with both his.

"You can let go now," Jaehyun held onto his plastered smile.

When he reached out to shake Jaehyun's hand, Jaehyun reached for Taeyong and left the room.

"That guy's a fucking creep," Taeyong mumbled, crossing his arms as they walked to their car.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Just stay near me when he's around," Jaehyun struggled to remove the scowl from his face thinking about that brat.

They got in the car and left to get some pastries from a local coffee shop. Afterwards, they headed back to the house. Taeyong had stayed up with the younger staff and told them about his day, especially about the business man's son.

my senior class got to be outside for the whole day and i got sunburnt

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