-Chapter 7-

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Chapter 7: New Feelings


"Shit," followed by a sharp inhale, startled Taeyong and woke him up.

"Oh my god Jaehyun, you're bleeding," Taeyong saw the broken glass cup on the floor and a large gash on Jaehyun's foot.

"It's really nothing Bubu, go back to sleep," He pulled the piece of glass out of his foot.

Taeyong grimaced and stood up from the bed, making sure to avoid the sparkly shards. He looted the bathroom for a first aid kit.

"Sit down and let me take care of it," Taeyong was already getting out what he needed.

"It's fine, I'll get Kun to do it," Jaehyun started to head for the door.

Taeyong rushed over and blocked the door. Taeyong felt a little scared not thinking his boldness through at this point. Jaehyun leaned down a little so he was slightly above Taeyong's eyes. He really misjudged the younger's height.

"Why should I let you tend to my wound?" he growled, inching closer.

In all honesty, he didn't know why he wanted to do this for him. He just felt like it.

"I just want to help," Taeyong turned his head to the side trying to create space between them.

"Fine, but you owe me a performance later," he said, chillingly moving closer. "And it better be a special one," with that, he bit on the lower part of Taeyong's ear, earning a small whimper.

Jaehyun smirked and moved to sit down away from the glassy floor. Taeyong fumbled with the first aid kit a little longer in hopes the blush on his face would go away quicker.

Jaehyun watched Taeyong the whole time. He didn't want to admit it but he kind of liked seeing this gentle side of him, it reminded Jaehyun of his late mother. He was too used to seeing the teasing stripper under colored lights and layers of sparkle. But now that he has the dancer in his grasp and can get a closer look at the male, it feels different. He doesn't know how to word it but the feeling almost scared him.

"All done," Taeyong had a satisfied smile.

He stood up from the floor and started to walk away. Jaehyun's instincts kicked in and wrapped his arms around Taeyong's waist. He dragged him back onto the bed.

"W-what are you doing?" He was wiggling in his grasp.

"I want you to do some online shopping before we get breakfast. I want you to buy both daily clothes and clothes for you to dance in. Just put everything in the cart and I'll handle the rest. Take your time," Jaehyun handed him a tablet, already opened at some shop.

"Jisung will tell you when breakfast is ready," Jaehyun said coldly.

Taeyong's eyes were fixated on the luxurious clothing so he didn't notice the younger one leaving. Jaehyun hesitated at the door. He turned and glanced at the pretty boy in his bed and fled the hallway.

Chenle and Jisung saw Jaehyun out the door. "Don't forget to tell him when breakfast, lunch, and dinner is ready," Jaehyun said with a stern face.

"Yes sir," the pair said and bowed in unison.

"The car is ready sir," Kun was standing at the bottom of the front stairs.

"Jaemin, bring Yuta and Ten with us. I'll be telling them what their role is here," Jaehyun commanded as he finished putting on his gloves. "And don't forget my bag," with that, Kun and Jaehyun left in the SUV.

~time skip~

It was already lunch time and Taeyong was bored beyond his mind. He poked at the steamed veggies on his plate. He sat sideways in his chair so his feet were dangling over one of the arms. Another loud and heavy sigh left his mouth. Jeno was growing annoyed with his master's pet. Jeno grabbed one of the folded chairs in the store room and unfolded it next to Taeyong's seat.

"What's the matter?" He said, scaring Taeyong out of his silent daydream.

"I'm just bored. I've done all my shopping like Jaehyun told me and he's still not back. There's like nothing to do here," Taeyong pouted his pink lips.

Jeno sighed. "Is there anything you want to do?"

Taeyong sat in thought.

"How about this? Do you like animals?" Jeno asked.

"Of course!" he nodded his head so hard it felt like his brain was shaking.

"Ok, i'll be right back," Jeno stood up and took his chair with him.

A couple minutes later, he appeared with a male who had big eyes.

"Taeyong, this is Hendery. He will escort you to the private zoo," Jeno motioned to the brown haired male.

"Hi," he smiled wide and waved his hand at Taeyong.

"A private zoo?!" Sure he was excited but a whole private zoo?

"Come on! Let's go!" Hendery grabbed his arm and ran for the back door.

They followed a gravel path, outlined by purple flowers. Then there was a large plot of land with some small buildings. A large sign saying "Jung Zoo" sat at the entrance. There were security guards wherever you looked.

"Hendery," one of them nodded at the pair.

"Brought the master's toy with us," Hendery winked.

"I understand. It's nice to finally meet you Taeyong," the guard held out his hand.

"Hello," Taeyong smiled and took his hand.

"My name is Chris by the way. You two enjoy," he unlocked the gate for them to go in.

They walked around and saw some of the basic animals. Monkeys, penguins, lions, tigers, and bears. They were just leaving the muskrats and heading to the singing dogs. To Taeyong's surprise, one of the guards was in the cage playing and petting the 'wild' dogs.

"Felix, what are you doing in there?" Hendery scolded.

"I was getting bored and they were begging for attention. Besides, Master isn't here right now," Felix smiled.

"You better hope he doesn't find out," Hendery pointed a warning finger his way.

"Hi Felix," Taeyong smiled and waved.

"Oh you must be the dancer Jaehyun won't shut up about," Felix giggled. Taeyong blushed at the confrontation.

"We're gonna get going now," Hendery pushed Taeyong's shoulder a bit.

"This will be our last stop before dinner," Hendery mentioned.

They walked through the dark entrance of one of the small buildings. Next thing Taeyong knew, they were surrounded by glass walls holding in water. All kinds of fish and exotic waterlife swam and crawled in the large tank. Taeyong awed in fascination. Taeyong just stood there watching the fish swim by for the reminder of their time.

They waved to Chris on their way out and followed the gravel path back to the mansion. Taeyong could smell spices in the air. His stomach growled and mouth watered. When he entered the dining room, he saw a big bowl of kimchi at the table.

Time passed as Taeyong ate kimchi with his new friends. Jisung, Chenle, Jeno, and Hendery ate together, mostly because Taeyong insisted. They shared some laughs and almost got really scared that they were going to be told on when another one of Jaehyun's henchmen opened the door but he grabbed himself a plate and left.

They had long finished their meal when Jisung and Chenle suggested Taeyong turn in for the night before Jaehyun finds them like this. Taeyong nodded and excused himself from the table and headed up the stairs by himself. When he got to the bedroom, he plopped down on the bed. He stared out to the balcony.

He stood up from the bed and walked to the glass door. He turned the handle and felt the warm spring breeze enter the room. He breathed in the scent of flowers. He walked over to a small cushioned porch chair and sat with his legs crossed. He stared up into the sky to be face to face with the moon. He closed his eyes to relish in this homey feeling. Without realizing it, he passed out.

you guys aren't ready for what's next

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